TL;DR: just show me the code.
Let’s start over from our recusive sum
public class YCombinator
private const int Max = 12_000;
private readonly Arbitrary<int> PositiveNumbers = Arb.From(Gen.Choose(0, Max));
private delegate int Sum(int n);
private static readonly Sum sum =
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + sum(n - 1);
Property it_meets_the_gauss_formula() =>
ForAll(PositiveNumbers, n =>
sum(n) == n * (n + 1) / 2);
Just like before, we define MkSum
applying Extract Method to n => n == 0 ? 0 : n + sum(n - 1)
static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum() =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + sum(n-1);
In the previous installment we proceded injecting sum
as a continuation. Let’s try something different now.
with MkSum
The current implementation of MkSum
is (not surprisingly) very similar to the original sum
. Let’s make it directly recursive, letting it call itself:
static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum() =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + MkSum()(n-1);
This is slightly different from what we obtained before. As a comparison:
static Sum MkSum(Sum continuation) =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + continuation(n-1);
Notice how continuation
was of type Sum
, while MkSum
is of type Func<Sum>
a ParameterThe idea is to feed MkSum
with itself. This will require some refactoring moves that R# is not able to automate.
In the expression:
n == 0 ? 0 : n + MkSum()(n-1);
is a value of type Sum
. MkSum
– without ()
– is of type Func<Sum>
R# is perfectly able to make MkSum
a variable with Introduce Variable, which would get to:
static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum() =>
n =>
Func<Sum> self = MkSum;
n == 0 ? 0 : n + self()(n-1);
But if you try to make it a parameter instead, with Introduce Parameter, it would ruinously fail:
static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum(Func<Sum> self) =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + self()(n-1);
This does not even compile.
In the calling site in sum
, R# correctly added a new argumento to MkSum
, switching from MkSum()
to MkSum(MkSum)
It was also smart enough to realize that self
is actually MkSum
itself, changed self()
to self(MkSum)
Unfortunately, it failed to realize that, adding a new parameter to MkSum
, it cannot be anymore of type Func<Sum>
. Its new type is non trivial, as it the recursive MkSum :: Func<MkSum, Sum>
. Infering recursive types is too much for R#
We need to manually define it with a delegate:
delegate Sum MkSum(MkSum mkSum);
and to fix the signature:
static Sum MkSum(MkSum self) =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + self(MkSum)(n-1);
Now the code compiles successfully.
with self
to get self(self)
Since it is injected, self
is now a continuation. It makes sense to completely remove the recursion by replacing self(MkSum)
with self(self)
delegate int Sum(int n);
delegate Sum MkSum(MkSum mkSum);
static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum(MkSum self) =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + self(self)(n-1);
with lambdaThe next refactoring move is easily done once figured out that variables just are syntactic sugar for lambda expressions. This will not surprise our Lisp fellow programmers. In C# we could observe that:
var foo = 42;
can be written with a lambda expression, followed by its invocation:
Func<int> f = x => x;
var foo = f(42);
that inlined becomes
var foo =
((Func<int>)(x => x))
Of course, this also works with more complex expressions:
int F(int i)
var foo = 42;
return (foo + i)*2;
int F(int i)
((Func<int>)(foo =>
(foo + i)*2*))
and with multiple parameters:
static int F()
var name = "John";
var surname = "Doh";
return $"Hi, {name} {surname}!";
F().Should().Be("Hi, John Doe!");
can be converted to:
static int F()
((Func<string, string, string>)(
(name, surname) =>
$"Hi {name} {secondName}!"))
("John", "Doh")
Pretty neat, isn’t it? Good, let’s apply this to self(self)
delegate int Sum(int n);
delegate Sum MkSum(MkSum mkSum);
static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum(MkSum self) =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + self(self)(n-1);
We apply Introduce Variable to self(self)
static Sum MkSum(MkSum self) =>
n =>
var f = self(self);
return n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1);
to outer scopeLet f
float up beyond n =>
with Move Variable to Outer Scope:
static Sum MkSum(MkSum self)
Sum f = self(self);
return n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1); n =>
Run the test: it will fail. Again because C# is strict. We have to make self(self)
lazy, from
Sum f = self(self);
Sum f = x => self(self)(x);
Here we go:
static Sum MkSum(MkSum self)
Sum f = x => self(self)(x);
return n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1); n =>
Run the test: green. Cool.
We are ready for the refactoring move From Variable to Lambda.
static Sum MkSum(MkSum self)
Sum f = x => self(self)(x);
return n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1); n =>
Poor F# will not help here. This must be done manually:
static readonly Sum mkSum(MkSum self) =>
new Func<Sum, Sum>(
f =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1))
(x => self(self)(x));
It’s a pity that the C# type inference is not powerful enough to let us write:
static readonly Sum mkSum(MkSum self) =>
(f =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1))
(x => self(self)(x));
omitting the function type.
awayCan you see the [Continuation Passing Styled] sum
function in mkSum
’s body’? It’s this part:
f =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1))
We can make mkSum
independent from sum
’s logic’. Let’s start with extracting it away, with Extract Method:
static readonly Func<Sum, Sum> mySum =
f =>
n =>
n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1);
static readonly Sum mkSum(MkSum self) =>
mySum(i => self(self)(i))
static readonly Sum sum =
n =>
Let’s modify sum
no, applying again the refactoring move of converting a variable to a lambda:
We will go from:
static readonly Sum sum =
n =>
static readonly Sum sum =
n =>
new Func<MkSum, Sum>(p => p(p))(MkSum)(n);
We are almost there: the last 2 steps.
We apply Inline Method to MkSum
static readonly Sum sum =
n =>
new Func<MkSum, Sum>(p => p(p))(self =>
MySum(i => self(self)(i)))(n);
This really looks like Y, already.
static readonly Func<SumC, Sum> Y =
f =>
n =>
new Func<MkSum, Sum>(p => p(p))(
self =>
f(i =>
static readonly Sum sum = Y(mySum);
which is equivalent to the original Lisp’s Y Combinator:
(define Y
(lambda (f)
((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (x) (f (lambda (y) ((x x) y)))))))