Deriving the Y Combinator in C# - Part 4 Alternative - Non-recursive Y Combinator

Arialdo Martini — 11/08/2022 — C# Functional Programming Lambda Calculus


TL;DR: just show me the code.

Non-recursive Y Combinator

Step 1 - An ordinary recursive function

Let’s start over from our recusive sum function:

public class YCombinator
    private const int Max = 12_000;
    private readonly Arbitrary<int> PositiveNumbers = Arb.From(Gen.Choose(0, Max));
    private delegate int Sum(int n);

    private static readonly Sum sum =
        n =>
            n == 0 ? 0 : n + sum(n - 1);

    Property it_meets_the_gauss_formula() =>
        ForAll(PositiveNumbers, n =>
            sum(n) == n * (n + 1) / 2);

Step 2 - Inject self(self)

Extract MkSum

Just like before, we define MkSum applying Extract Method to n => n == 0 ? 0 : n + sum(n - 1).

static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum() =>
    n =>
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + sum(n-1);

In the previous installment we proceded injecting sum as a continuation. Let’s try something different now.

Replace sum with MkSum

The current implementation of MkSum is (not surprisingly) very similar to the original sum. Let’s make it directly recursive, letting it call itself:

static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum() =>
    n =>
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + MkSum()(n-1);

This is slightly different from what we obtained before. As a comparison:

static Sum MkSum(Sum continuation) =>
    n =>
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + continuation(n-1);

Notice how continuation was of type Sum, while MkSum is of type Func<Sum>.

Make MkSum a Parameter

The idea is to feed MkSum with itself. This will require some refactoring moves that R# is not able to automate.
In the expression:

        n == 0 ? 0 : n + MkSum()(n-1);

MkSum() is a value of type Sum. MkSum – without () – is of type Func<Sum>.
R# is perfectly able to make MkSum a variable with Introduce Variable, which would get to:

static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum() =>
    n =>
        Func<Sum> self = MkSum;
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + self()(n-1);

But if you try to make it a parameter instead, with Introduce Parameter, it would ruinously fail:

static readonly Sum sum =
static Sum MkSum(Func<Sum> self) =>
    n =>
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + self()(n-1);

This does not even compile.
In the calling site in sum, R# correctly added a new argumento to MkSum, switching from MkSum() to MkSum(MkSum).
It was also smart enough to realize that self is actually MkSum itself, changed self() to self(MkSum).
Unfortunately, it failed to realize that, adding a new parameter to MkSum, it cannot be anymore of type Func<Sum>. Its new type is non trivial, as it the recursive MkSum :: Func<MkSum, Sum>. Infering recursive types is too much for R#
We need to manually define it with a delegate:

delegate Sum MkSum(MkSum mkSum);

and to fix the signature:

static Sum MkSum(MkSum self) =>
    n =>
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + self(MkSum)(n-1);

Now the code compiles successfully.

Replace MkSum with self to get self(self)

Since it is injected, self is now a continuation. It makes sense to completely remove the recursion by replacing self(MkSum) with self(self):

delegate int Sum(int n);
delegate Sum MkSum(MkSum mkSum);

static readonly Sum sum =

static Sum MkSum(MkSum self) =>
    n =>
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + self(self)(n-1);

Replace self(self) with lambda

The next refactoring move is easily done once figured out that variables just are syntactic sugar for lambda expressions. This will not surprise our Lisp fellow programmers. In C# we could observe that:

var foo = 42;

can be written with a lambda expression, followed by its invocation:

Func<int> f = x => x;
var foo = f(42);

that inlined becomes

var foo =
    ((Func<int>)(x => x))

Of course, this also works with more complex expressions:

int F(int i)
    var foo = 42;
    return (foo + i)*2;


int F(int i)
        ((Func<int>)(foo => 
            (foo + i)*2*))

and with multiple parameters:

static int F()
    var name = "John";
    var surname = "Doh";
    return $"Hi, {name} {surname}!";

F().Should().Be("Hi, John Doe!");

can be converted to:

static int F()
        ((Func<string, string, string>)(
            (name, surname) =>
                $"Hi {name} {secondName}!"))
        ("John", "Doh")

Pretty neat, isn’t it? Good, let’s apply this to self(self) in

delegate int Sum(int n);
delegate Sum MkSum(MkSum mkSum);

static readonly Sum sum =

static Sum MkSum(MkSum self) =>
    n =>
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + self(self)(n-1);

Introduce Variable for self(self)

We apply Introduce Variable to self(self):

static Sum MkSum(MkSum self) =>
    n =>
        var f = self(self);
        return n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1);

Move variable f to outer scope

Let f float up beyond n => with Move Variable to Outer Scope:

static Sum MkSum(MkSum self)
    Sum f = self(self);
    return n => 
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1);    n =>

Run the test: it will fail. Again because C# is strict. We have to make self(self) lazy, from

Sum f = self(self);


Sum f = x => self(self)(x);

Here we go:

static Sum MkSum(MkSum self)
    Sum f = x => self(self)(x);
    return n => 
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1);    n =>

Run the test: green. Cool.
We are ready for the refactoring move From Variable to Lambda.

static Sum MkSum(MkSum self)
    Sum f = x => self(self)(x);
    return n => 
        n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1);    n =>

Convert Variable to Lambda

Poor F# will not help here. This must be done manually:

static readonly Sum mkSum(MkSum self) =>
    new Func<Sum, Sum>(
        f =>
            n =>
                n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1))
    (x => self(self)(x));

It’s a pity that the C# type inference is not powerful enough to let us write:

static readonly Sum mkSum(MkSum self) =>
    (f =>
        n =>
            n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1))
    (x => self(self)(x));

omitting the function type.

Extract sum away

Can you see the [Continuation Passing Styled] sum function in mkSum’s body’? It’s this part:

    f =>
        n =>
            n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1))

We can make mkSum independent from sum’s logic’. Let’s start with extracting it away, with Extract Method:

static readonly Func<Sum, Sum> mySum = 
    f =>
        n =>
            n == 0 ? 0 : n + f(n - 1);

static readonly Sum mkSum(MkSum self) =>
    mySum(i => self(self)(i))

static readonly Sum sum =
    n =>

Step 8: extract mkSum(mkSum) as a lambda

Let’s modify sum no, applying again the refactoring move of converting a variable to a lambda:

We will go from:

static readonly Sum sum =
    n =>


static readonly Sum sum =
    n =>
        new Func<MkSum, Sum>(p => p(p))(MkSum)(n);

We are almost there: the last 2 steps.

Inline MkSum

We apply Inline Method to MkSum

static readonly Sum sum =
    n =>
        new Func<MkSum, Sum>(p => p(p))(self =>
            MySum(i => self(self)(i)))(n);

This really looks like Y, already.

Extract Y

static readonly Func<SumC, Sum> Y =
    f =>
        n =>
            new Func<MkSum, Sum>(p => p(p))(
                self =>
                    f(i => 

static readonly Sum sum = Y(mySum);

which is equivalent to the original Lisp’s Y Combinator:

(define Y
  (lambda (f)
    ((lambda (x) (x x))
     (lambda (x) (f (lambda (y) ((x x) y)))))))
