State Monad For The Rest Of Us - Part 7

Arialdo Martini — 1/07/2024 — F# Functional Programming

Source code:

Types are always a good idea

Enjoyed the sorbet? Gather your strengths, you will need them! These chapters will be a bit more challenging than the ones in Part I but, hopefully, also more rewarding.

So, we closed chapter 6 with this code:

// Tree a -> (Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int))
let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li, lc = index l count
            let ri, rc = index r lc
            Node (li, ri), rc

let ``indexes a tree`` () =
    let tree = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))

    let indexed, _ = index tree 1

    test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf ("one", 1), Node(Leaf ("two", 2), Leaf ("three", 3))) @>

and we commented that it is a pity that the code for handling the state (the value of count) is interleaved with the domain logic code. It is also a pity that the function signature —its type — got so complicated.

Indeed, types are exactly where the key to the next step lies. You surely remember when we enumerated the possible placements for the count parameter:

Position Signature
As the first index parameter let rec index count tree = ...
As the second index parameter let rec index tree count = ...
As the parameter of a nested lambda let rec index tree =
    match tree with
     | Leaf v -> fun count -> ....

and you remember that we went with the 3rd option. You might have already noticed that the last 2 are equivalent. Compare their signatures:

Position Signature
As the second index parameter Tree a -> Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int)
As the parameter of a nested lambda Tree a -> (Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int))

The latter has a couple of extra parenthesis, which are anyway implicit in the former.
We preferred the latter because it makes it clear that the function index is returning a kind of a promise: it does not directly return an indexed tree Tree (a, Int); instead, it returns a function that, once fed with the value of count, will carry its job out. Not only: it will return an indexed tree plus a new count value, all in a tuple.

Wow. That’s a mouthful. Even attempting to explain the signature is utterly exhausting. It is definitely worth to simplify it.

As it often happens in Functional Programming, the first step to elaborating an idea — to simplify it — is to give it a name. Giving an idea a name really means to define a type to represent it. The more you will apply Functional Programming, the more you will find yourself modeling your applications through types.

There are 2 ways I can suggest you to tackle this step.

  • Just add another layer of indirection, and follow where it leads you.
  • Manipulate the signature, separating the state-management and domain logic on the type level.

They are 2 sides of the same coin.

Add another layer of indirection

Observe again index:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li, lc = index l count
            let ri, rc = index r lc
            Node (li, ri), rc

and notice how both the branches return a naked fun count -> .... Let’s pack it inside a container, which we will call WithCount:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> WithCount (fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1))
    | Node (l, r) ->
        WithCount (
          fun count ->
              let li, lc = index l count
              let ri, rc = index r lc
              Node (li, ri), rc)

Spoiler alert: WithCount is the type around which you will develop the State Monad. Keep an eye on it.

WithCount does nothing but holding that convoluted function. In a sense, it decorates it, it encapsulates the function and hides its complexity. More importantly, having a name, it gives us the chance to define dedicated functions to operate on it. Which functions? Well, first of all, the ones we need to fix the compilation errors. There are severals, and they revolve around 2 problems:

  1. WithCount is not even defined.
  2. index does not return a function anymore: its returned value cannot be directly executed.

Let’s proceed in order.

Definging a new type

WithCount can be defined as:

type WithCount = WithCount of ???

Remember: the WithCount on the left is the type. The WithCount on the right is not: it is the data constructor that can be used to build an instance of WithCount. Think of it as the C# class constructor.

What to replace ??? with? Let’s be lazy and let’s ask F# itself. If you extract the argument of WithCount to a variable, you can use the F# type inference to ask the F# compiler its opinion:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v ->
        let f: int -> Tree<'a * int> * int = (fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1))
        WithCount f

So, F# claims that the function encapsulated by WithCount has the type:

Int -> (Tree (a, Int>), Int)

This matches our experience:

Int Tree (a, Int>) Int
The previous value for count The indexed tree The next value for count

In fact, we could be way more generic. For the time being, let’s settle for this little generalization, using v instead of Tree (a, Int):

type WithCount<'v> = WithCount of (int -> 'v * int)

This makes WithCount not specific to trees. Afterall, the logic for traversing trees is already implemented in index: it does not need to affect WithCount too. Indeed, it might not be immediately evident, but what this WithCount definition does, it to isolate the pure, domain logic from the count-handling logic. We will discuss this more thoroughly in the next chapters.

Running WithCount

Now for the other compilation issues. Your code is full of invocations of that function that now fail to even compile, because the function is hidden behind a WithCount type. Take the test, for example:

let ``indexes a tree`` () =
    let tree = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))

    let indexed, _ = index tree 1

    test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf ("one", 1), Node(Leaf ("two", 2), Leaf ("three", 3))) @>


index tree 1

fails to compile. You could read it as:

(index tree) 1

Before you introduced WithCount, index tree used to return a function and was equivalent to:

// f :: Int -> (Tree (String, Int), Int)
let f = index tree  // invoking index
f 1                 // invoking the returned function

f was a function ready to be invoked. After the last change, what you get is instead:

// WithCount Tree (string, int)
let withCount = index tree  // invoking index
withCount 1                 // this fails to compile

Not an invocable function anymore.
By the way: notice the simplification you already gained. What you get back from invoking index is an indexed tree, Tree (string, int), surrounded by a WithCount. In this signature, there is no mention at all to the count-handling logic. As I commented before, WithCount lets you liberate your domain logic from the state handling.

Let’s fix the compilation errors. F#’s function application is not smart enough to pass an argument to a function when it is inside a WithCount. You need a special version of function application. Let’s call it run:

let run (withCount: WithCount) count =
  let f = <get the function held by withCount>
  f count

Getting the function held by WithCount is idiomatically done in F# with Pattern Matching. You remember that in chapter 1 we mentioned that an instance remembers which constructor was used to create it, and that you can deconstruct the instance getting to the original arguments. It’s way easier done than said:

let run (WithCount f) count = f count

Cool. run is a super-function application that works for functions held by a WithCount shell. If you have read Monads for the Rest of Us you remember that I insist that monads are not a thing. In a sense, they don’t exist; monadic functions do, and the key to understanding monads is to implement versions of function application and function composition able to work with this extended notion of functions. Here you are doing something very similar: it is like you invented a novel notion of function. index is a function that returns an indexed tree, plus an indication of an extra-effect: depending on an input count, and returning back an updated version of count itself. In other words, index is a function that, besides doing its pure work, also lives in a context where some state must be considered.

Instead of functions:

f :: a -> b

you are now dealing with functions:

f :: a -> WithCount b

which are a bit harder to concatenate, unless you extend some F#’s native functionalities.

Let it compile

Back to fixing the compilation errors using you novel run function. Here’s the working result:

type WithCount<'v> = WithCount of (int -> 'v * int)

let run (WithCount f) count = f count

let rec index =
    | Leaf v ->
        WithCount (fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1))
    | Node (l, r) ->
         WithCount (
          fun count ->
              let li, lc = run (index l) count
              let ri, rc = run (index r) lc
              Node (li, ri), rc)

let ``indexes a tree`` () =
    let withCount: WithCount<string> = index tree
    let indexed, _ = run withCount 1

    test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf ("one", 1), Node(Leaf ("two", 2), Leaf ("three", 3))) @>

So far, you got a bit on improvement on the signature, but the implementation code is still convoluted, and domain logic and count-handling logic are still interwoven.
It’s time to sort the tangle out, and to invent the Applicative Functor. Feel free to have a coffee! See you in a minute in Chapter 8.



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