State Monad For The Rest Of Us - Part 8

Arialdo Martini — 1/07/2024 — F# Functional Programming

Source code:

Function application, on steroids

Here’s our last working version:

type WithCount<'v> = WithCount of (int -> 'v * int)

let run (WithCount f) count = f count

let rec index =
    | Leaf v ->
        WithCount (fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1))
    | Node (l, r) ->
        WithCount (
            fun count ->
                let li, lc = run (index l) count
                let ri, rc = run (index r) lc
                Node (li, ri), rc)

Focus on the Node branch:

        WithCount (
            fun count ->
                let li, lc = run (index l) count
                let ri, rc = run (index r) lc
                Node (li, ri), rc)

Look the very last line, which creates an instance of Node: it might not be immediately apparent that it is invoking a function. Let’s make it more explicit:

let buildNode l r = Node(l, r)

WithCount(fun count ->
   let li, lc = run (index l) count
   let ri, rc = run (index r) lc
   (buildNode li ri), rc)

Now, the goal is to get rid of all the count-handling code, and to be able to just write the domain logic code:

let li = index l
let ri = index r
buildNode li ri


buildNode (index l) (inder r)

along the lines of what you did in the very first chapters. Unfortunately, this does not work as expected. It does not even compile. The types don’t match:

Value Type
buildNode Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
index l WithCount (Tree a)
index r WithCount (Tree a)

You cannot apply a WithCount (Tree a) value to a function expecting a naked Tree a. Function Application in F# is not compatible with the types you are providing.

Reimplementing the built-in Function Application

If F# Function Application is not compatible with WithCount parameters, let’s reinvent Function Application.
You can start from reimplementing the standard F# Function Application. When you write:

let add a b = a + b
let result = add 2 3

you can imagine that the space between add and 2 is an elusive and invisible operator that applies 2 to the function add. What would its type be?

(a -> b) -> a -> b

It takes a function a -> b and a parameter a; it applies a to the function, getting back a b. If you wanted to implement it giving it a more visible symbol, you could write:

let (<|) f a = f a 

so that:

let add a b = a + b
let result = add 2 3

would become:

let add a b = a + b
let result = add <| 2 <| 3

Well, you don’t even have to implement <|, because it’s natively defined in F#. Try yourself, it really works. In Haskell the same operator is called $.

Getting back to:

buildNode (index l) (inder r)

What you need is a function application on steroids able to apply WithCount a arguments to functions expecting just a values:

buildNode <???> index l <???> index r

This extended, hypothetical super-function application should take care of handling the extra-parameter count, letting you focus on the domain logic only.

Maybe you need to fill the first <???> and the second <???> with 2 different operators. Maybe there are alternative, similar forms to get to the same result. Whatever the case, I hope you see that those operator must have an implementation independent from the domain logic. Therefore, it is very likely that you can distill them focusing on the type signatures only.
Which is exactly what we are going to do in the next paragraph.

ap, an on-steroids Function Application

There are 2 series of moves that you can do at this point.

  • One leads you to Applicative Functors.
  • The other, to Monads.

Let’s focus on the former. Read again:

type WithCount<'v> = WithCount of (int -> 'v * int)

let run (WithCount f) count = f count

let rec index =
    | Leaf v ->
        WithCount (fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1))
    | Node (l, r) ->
         WithCount (
          fun count ->
              let li, lc = run (index l) count
              let ri, rc = run (index r) lc
              (buildNode li ri), rc)

and focus on the Node branch. Make an attempt to mentally remove all the count-handling logic and focus on the domain logic only. See how this branch returns the result of buildNode li ri somehow enclosed in a WithCount instance. Since you want to isolate the domain logic, we can try to extract buildNode and to put it in a WithCount:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v ->
        WithCount (fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1))
    | Node (l, r) ->
        let buildNode' = putInWithCount buildNote

What does it mean to put something in a WithCount? How to implement that putInWithCount?

let putInWithCount v = ???

Well, that’s easy once you recall that:

type WithCount<'v> = WithCount of (int -> 'v * int)

First things first, putInWithCount must return a WithCount instance, and WithCount instances are created with the WithCount constructor:

let putInWithCount v = WithCount ??? 

Then, look at the WithCount data contstuctor: it need to be fed with a function from Int — the count — to a tuple (v, Int), where v is your value. So, you need to build an instance of a function:

let putInWithCount v = WithCount (fun count -> ???)

Now, you have to return a tuple with your value, plus a count value:

let putInWithCount v = WithCount (fun count -> (v, ???))

The lambda receives a value for count: which value shall it return back? Shall it increment it? In fact, there is no reason to. It’s safer to keep it unmodified:

let putInWithCount v = WithCount (fun count -> (v, count))

Here we go! Traditionally, this function is called pure:

let pure' v = WithCount (fun count -> (v, count))

let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> WithCount(fun count -> (Leaf(v, count), count + 1))
    | Node(l, r) ->
        let buildNode' = pure' buildNode

F# flags pure as reserved for future uses — a good sign, I guess! — so I’m opting for pure'.
What’s buildNode' signature? It’s the signature of a buildNode inside a WithCount:

Function Signature
buildNode Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
pure' buildNode WithCount (Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a)

Let’s continue along this line, focus on the domain logic only:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> WithCount(fun count -> (Leaf(v, count), count + 1))
    | Node(l, r) ->
        // WithCount (Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a)
        let buildNode' = pure' buildNode
        // WithCount (Tree (string,int))
        let li = index l
        // WithCount (Tree (string,int))
        let ri = index r

It is simpler that it sounds:

  • You have a function inside a WithCount.
  • Its first argument is also inside a WithCount.
  • And so is its second argument.

If it wasn’t for the surrounding WithCount, you could just apply the 2 arguments to the function, using the ordinary Function Application. Instead, it seems that you need a special function application, which we will call ap or <*>, matching the signature:

  Function Application ap
Symbol <|
or just a space
Signature (a -> b) -> a -> b WithCount (a -> b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
Example add 2 3
add <| 2 <| 3
build' <*> li <*> ri

Wait a sec: isn’t this the signature of a function of 1 parameter only? Yes: but you know that multi-parameters functions are an illusion. A function like:

(a -> b) -> a -> b

has 2 parameters as soon as b is itself a 1-parameter function:

(a -> b) -> a -> b

if b = x -> y

(a -> (x -> y)) -> a -> (x -> y)

(a -> x -> y) -> a -> x -> y

Fine. So, let’s implement <*>.

Implementing <*>

// WithCount (a -> b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
let (<*>) f a = ???

f is of type WithCount (a -> b). What does it mean? That it is not a function a -> b. Remember what WithCount is:

type WithCount<'v> = WithCount of (int -> 'v * int)

f is an instance of a WithCount holding the function you want to run. Provide f with a count, and it will give you back that function, plus a new value of a count. OK, but how to provide a value of count? Where to find this count?
To answer this question, notice the return type of <*>: it’a a WithCount b. So, to begin with, you have to build an instance of a WithCount:

// WithCount (a -> b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
let (<*>) f a = WithCount ???

You should know by heart now that WithCount constructor needs a function asking for a count:

let (<*>) f a = WithCount (fun count -> ???)

Beautiful! Here is where to get the value of count: use it to feed the WithCount ()

let (<*>) f a = 
    WithCount (fun count ->
        let result = run f count

Which kind of result did you get? What’s its type? Review the run signature, or the definition of WithCount itself: it is a tuple with the desired result plus the new value of count. Let’s deconstruct it:

let (<*>) f a =
    WithCount (fun count ->
        let fv, fc = run f count

Here we are calling fv the function value of type a -> b, and with fc the counter, generated by running the WithCount instance. Just do the same with a:

  • a is of type WithCount a, so you cannot feed it directly to the a -> b function.
  • In fact, it’s not an a value yet. It it a function that will give you an a value, as soon as you provide it a count.
  • As before, it will provide you an a value plus the updated value of count, all in a tuple.
let (<*>) f a =
    WithCount (fun count ->
        let fv, fc = run f count
        let result = run a ???

Which count value should you pass? Let’s use fc, the most updated one jus returned by run f count:

let (<*>) f a = 
    WithCount (fun count ->
        let fv, fc = run f count
        let result = run a fc

Again: result is a tuple containing the value av plus the updated count value ac:

let (<*>) f a = 
    WithCount (fun count ->
        let fv, fc = run f count
        let av, ac = run a fc

You got fv :: a -> b and av :: a. You can finally apply function to the value, obtaining a b value:

let (<*>) f a = 
    WithCount (fun count ->
        let fv, fc = run f count
        let av, ac = run a fc
        let b = fv av

You are almost done. You just need to return the tuple containing the obtained value b plus the last updated count, which is ac:

let (<*>) f a = 
    WithCount (fun count ->
        let fv, fc = run f count
        let av, ac = run a fc
        let b = fv av
        b, ac)

Putting all together:

let pure' v = WithCount (fun count -> (v, count))

let (<*>) f a = 
    WithCount (fun count ->
        let fv, fc = run f count
        let av, ac = run a fc
        let b = fv av
        b, ac)

let rec index<'a> =
    | Leaf v -> ....
    | Node(l, r) ->
        let buildNode' = pure' buildNode
        let li = index l
        let ri = index r
        buildNode' <*> li <*> ri

Inlining buildNode', li and ri you get to:

let rec index<'a> =
    | Leaf v -> ...
    | Node(l, r) ->
        pure' buildNode <*> index l <*> index r

Which is beautiful! If you ignore the little noise produced by pure' and <*>, it has the very shape of:

              buildNode    (index l)   (index r)

Please focus again on the Node branch and notice:

  • This code properly handles the count argument.
  • Yet, neither the count values nor the returned tuples are ever mentioned.
  • Of course: their handling have been extracted and coded once for all in the <*> implementation.
  • Besides a bit of noise because of pure' and <*>, this code is pure domain logic.

WithCount together with pure' and ap / <*> is an example of an Applicative Functor. It’s like the Functor you built in chapter 3 but, as you see, more powerful.

And the Leaf branch?

Surprisingly, this applicative style is actually trickier to implement on the leaf branch.
Or maybe not surprisingly: after all, we already know from chapter 2, while implementing the 2 initial algorithms:

let baseCase _ = 1
let baseCase' v = Leaf(String.length v)
let (^+) l r = Node (l, r)

let rec numberOfLeaves =
    | Leaf v     -> baseCase v
    | Node(l, r) -> numberOfLeaves l + numberOfLeaves r

let rec lengths =
    | Leaf v     -> baseCase' v
    | Node(l, r) -> lengths l ^+ lengths r


  • The Node branch’s only purpose is to perform a double recursion and to compose the result.
  • The Leaf node performs the actual business logic.

Now, the actual business logic is about indexing a leaf. This implies:

  • Somehow acquiring the value of count.
  • Creating a indexed Leaf.
  • Incrementing count.

The Node branch is completely devoid of any count-handling logic:

| Node(l, r) ->
    pure' buildNode <*> index l <*> index r

Not only does it not mention count in any way, but it does not even know it is running in a context where count is handled. From the Node branch perspective, it could run in another monadic context. And, as an aside, this is the beauty of monads: they all provide the same basic interface and they completely abstract away the effect-handling logic.

The Leaf branch, instead, is inherently different: although the count-handling logic is still taken care of by <*>, the code must somehow manipulate count. So, the Leaf branch must both delegate count to <*> and work with it. That’s a novel kind of a challenge. Fortunately, it is an easy one, which will bring you closer to the State Monad.

Something deserving a little break and a new chapter.



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