State Monad For The Rest Of Us - Part 1

Arialdo Martini — 1/07/2024 — F# Functional Programming

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Binary Trees

Our journey starts with this problem: we want to count the number of leaves of an arbitrary Binary Tree. To keep the problem as simple as possible, we define a Binary Tree as that data structure having Nodes and Leaves, and in which every Node has exactly two branches.

This is a Tree with 2 Leaves:

     /  \
  Leaf  Leaf

and here is a Tree with 3 Leaves:

     /  \
  Leaf  Node
        /  \
    Leaf   Leaf

It is legit to ask ourselves: is a single Leaf a Tree?


Let’s agree that it is.
Do null Trees — Trees without Nodes and Leaves — exist?
Let’s do ourselves a favor and agree they don’t.

A Node always contains 2 Leaves. What does a Leaf contain? Nothing: it just is.
So, a Tree is either a Leaf or a Node made of 2 branches, each containing another Tree structure. Remember this definition, because we will translate it more or less literally to F#.

How deep can such Binary Trees be? Arbitrarily deep. For example, this is a legit Tree:

     /  \
  Leaf  Node
        /  \
     Node   Leaf
     /  \
  Leaf  Node
        /  \
      Node  Leaf
      /  \
  Leaf   Node
         /  \
      Leaf  Leaf

Of course, our code should work with any Tree, no matter how deep.

Counting Leaves

Good. We are diligent developers, so we start from a test. To keep it simple, let’s count the Leaves of a 3-leaves Tree:

module StateMonadTest

open Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote

let numberOfLeaves tree = failwith "Not yet implemented"

let ``counts the number of leaves in a tree`` () =
    let treeWith3Leaves = failwith "Not yet implemented"
    let leaves = numberOfLeaves treeWith3Leaves
    test <@ leaves = 3 @>

Let’s fill the gaps. As often happens with Functional Programming, it is convenient to start from modeling problems through their types.

Sum and Product Types

How to model a Tree? That’s an easy task in F#: it’s a matter of translating literally our definition:

A Tree is either a Leaf or a Node containing 2 branches each containing another Tree structure.

Step by step:

  • A Tree is is simply translated to
type Tree =
  • A Tree can be a Leaf:
type Tree = Leaf
  • or a Node. The or part is translated with the | operator:
type Tree = Leaf | Node ???
  • The Node contains 2 branches. The contain part is translated with of, the multiplicity is translated with *:
type Tree = Leaf | Node of (??? * ???)
  • We know that each branch contains either a Leaf or another Node. We already have a type representing either a Leaf or a Node, dont’t we? It’s the Tree itself. So:
type Tree = Leaf | Node of (Tree * Tree)

That’s it!
As an aside, this expression makes use of the so called Algebraic Data Types, which include Sum (or Discriminated Union) Types and Product Types.

Name Symbol used Equivalent technique in OOP
Sum Types | Inheritance
Product Types * Multiple fieds in classes

In C# this would approximately translate to:

abstract record Tree;
record Leaf : Tree;
record Node(Tree Left, Tree Right) : Tree;

In both cases, we have a recursive type, which both languages happily support.

Creating instances

Creating instances in F# is similar, but more concise, than in C# and Java: you just have to omit the new keyword and the parenthesis. Our 3-leaves tree:

     /  \
  Leaf  Node
        /  \
    Leaf   Leaf

can be created with:

let treeWith3Leaves = Node(Leaf, Node(Leaf, Leaf))

This completes the test implementation:

let ``counts the number of leaves in a tree`` () =
    let treeWith3Leaves = Node(Leaf, Node(Leaf, Leaf))

    let leaves = numberOfLeaves treeWith3Leaves

    test <@ leaves = 3 @>

Good. Now, let’s see how to make it green.

Type Constructors and Data Constructors

It is important to understand that in:

type Tree = Leaf | Node of (Tree * Tree)

Tree is a type, Leaf and Node are not: Leaf and Node are ways for creating an instance of type Tree. This is akin to the difference between a class and its constructors. In F#, we would call Tree, Leaf and Nodeas follows:

Element Name
Tree Discriminated Union Type
Leaf and Node of (Tree * Tree) Union Case

Haskell uses different names, but the meaning is the same:

Element Name
Tree Type Constructor
Leaf and Node Tree Tree Data Constructor

We will shortly see why Tree is a Type Constructor, not just a Type: as soon as Tree will take a (type) parameter, we will learn to see it more as a function than just a type name.

The takeaway here is: given an instance of Tree, F# can pattern match on the Case which was used to create the instance. It’s like the instance remembers which constructor was used to create it. You can read more about it in Pattern Matching - Identifier Patterns.

This give you all the ingredients to develop a function to calculate the number of leaves.


Pattern matching is easy:

let numberOfLeaves tree =
    match tree with
    | Leaf -> ???
    | Node (l, r) -> ??? 

Read it as a glorified if/then/else and ask yourself:

  • If numberOfLeaves receives a tree, and that tree is a single Leaf, how many leaves does that tree have? In other words, the function needs to calculate the number of leaves of this tree:

Of course, it has just 1 leaf! So:

let numberOfLeaves tree =
    match tree with
    | Leaf -> 1
    | Node (l, r) -> ??? 

What about if tree is a Node? You only know that a Node contains exactly 2 branches. Each branch could be a Leaf, like in:

     /  \
  Leaf  Leaf

or it could be another arbitrarily deep tree, like in:

     /  \
  Leaf  Node
        /  \
     Node   Leaf
     /  \
  Leaf  Node
        /  \
      Node  Leaf
      /  \
  Leaf   Node
         /  \
      Leaf  Leaf

In the general case, you can see the received tree as:

     /  \
  Tree  Tree

This node contains as many leaves as the leaves in the right branch tree, plus the leaves of the left branch tree. Literally translating this sentence to F# leads us to:

let rec numberOfLeaves tree =
    match tree with
    | Leaf -> 1
    | Node (l, r) -> numberOfLeaves l + numberOfLeaves r

Notice that we added the keyword rec to the function definition, to make it clear that the function is recursive.

Does this work? You have a test. Run it.
Of course it’s green. As it often happens, if it compiles it works. Get used to this, it will happen over and over.

Putting all together

Let’s review what you obtained:

type Tree =
    | Leaf
    | Node of Tree * Tree

let rec numberOfLeaves tree =
    match tree with
    | Leaf -> 1
    | Node(l, r) -> numberOfLeaves l + numberOfLeaves r

let ``counts the number of leaves in a tree`` () =
    let treeWith3Leaves = Node(Leaf, Node(Leaf, Leaf))

    let leaves = numberOfLeaves treeWith3Leaves

    test <@ leaves = 3 @>

You can see how the:

    | Leaf -> 1

branch is the base case of recursion, while the:

    | Node(l, r) -> numberOfLeaves l + numberOfLeaves r

is the (double) recursive step.
Also notice how the results of the 2 recursive calls are composed with the binary + function.

F# <3 concisiness (and Haskell loves it too)


let rec numberOfLeaves tree =
    match tree with
    | Leaf -> 1
    | Node(l, r) -> numberOfLeaves l + numberOfLeaves r

the parameter tree is only used to pattern match. To stress this, F# provides an alternative, more concise syntax, where

... tree =
    match tree with

is replaced by:

... function =

So, our function can be made shorter, as:

let rec numberOfLeaves = 
    | Leaf -> 1
    | Node(l, r) -> numberOfLeaves l + numberOfLeaves r

A nice way to interpret this is to squeeze the eyes and imagine it’s a combination of 2 separate function definitions, one on Leaf and one on Node(l, r). Haskell would really let you define 2 separate functions:

numberOfLeaves Leaf       = 1
numberOfLeaves Node(l, r) = numberOfLeaves l + numberOfLeaves r

If you manage to understand this last snippet, bravo!, give yourself a pat on the back, take a little breather, and get prepared to the next chapter, in which you will invent (or discover) Functors.

Jump to Chapter 2.



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