State Monad For The Rest Of Us - Part 6

Arialdo Martini — 1/07/2024 — F# Functional Programming

Source code:

Red pill, blue pill

Welcome back! I hope your tea (or your whiskey and cigar) inspired you. We left each other in chapter 5 with an existential question:

Where does count come from in this hypothetical, scaffold implementation?

let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> Leaf (v, count)
    | Node(l, r) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"

There are in fact 2 legit answers:

  1. It is a global variable

     let count = 1
     let rec index =
         | Leaf v -> Leaf (v, count)
         | Node(l, r) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"
  2. It is a function parameter:

     let rec index count =
         | Leaf v -> Leaf (v, count)
         | Node(l, r) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"

This is a very strong design decision.

  • If you go with a global variable (or just a variable defined in an outer scope), your code is destined to be imperative.
  • If you go with a function parameter, you have taken the direction of FP, and you are likely to stumble on monads.

Outer Scope Variable

The implementation with a mutable variable is deliciously simple:

let mutable count = 1

let rec imperativeIndex =
    | Leaf v ->
        let indexedLeaf = Leaf (v, count)
        count <- count + 1
    | Node(l, r) -> Node(imperativeIndex l, imperativeIndex r)

It really reminds the impure mapping function we wrote in chapter 3, it’s basically the same idea.

We could say a lot about this style, for example:

  • It leads to thread-unsafe code. Two concurrent invocations will race for the out-of-scope, shared state.
  • Like every algorithm based on state mutation, reasoning about it requires the reader to unroll mentally the execution, keeping track of the state. This specific code is simple enough, but clearly this approach does not scale.

But this is the old litany every functional militant would repeat over and over. What I would like you to notice, instead, is:

  • F# is not a pure functional language and if you opt for mutability, it is tollerant.
  • But its powerful Type Sytem will abandon you to your fate, and will not do much more to help you.

Throughout this series, every time we managed to have a compiling code, that was a reliable sign that the functionality was complete and correct, and the green test was there to testify it. It’s not the case here anymore. The very moment you resolve the dependency to count with an shared mutable variable, as far as the compiler is concerned, the code is alredy complete and correct.

I like to interpret the apathy we are getting from the Type Sytem as if it is telling us:

“So you are not giving me any hints about the types at play. Fine, your loss, go ahead and do it your way”.

Is there a way to give the Type Sytem a hint about the types at play? Yes, there is! And it is exactly the second option you found: passing count as a function parameter.

Function Parameter

Here we go.

let rec index count =
    | Leaf v -> Leaf (v, count)
    | Node(l, r) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"

You might have missed it, but you just changed the index signature, that is, its type. Exactly what the Type Sytem was moaning about.

Original signature New signature
Tree a -> Tree (a, Int) Tree a -> Int -> Tree (a, Int)

Although the change is as simple as before (you just added a humble count), the Type Sytem will not let you down. On the contrary, it immediately highlights all the lines where your code fails to compile.

Notice: a compilation error is not a harm. On the contrary: it’s a gift from Heaven, it’s a lighthouse to follow. Instead of being left to sink or swim, the Type Sytem is there to suggest you how to complete your implementation. Beautiful.

Before going ahead, notice that there were 3 positions where you could have placed count as a function parameter:

  1. As the first index parameter:

     // Int -> Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
     let rec index count tree=
         match tree with
         | Leaf v -> Leaf (v, count)
         | Node(l, r) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"
  2. As the second index parameter:

     // Tree a -> Int -> Tree (a, Int)
     let rec index tree count =
         match tree with
         | Leaf v -> Leaf (v, count)
         | Node(l, r) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"
  3. As the parameter of a nested lambda:

     // Tree a -> (Int -> Tree (a, Int))
     let rec index tree =
         match tree with
         | Leaf v -> fun count -> Leaf (v, count)
         | Node(l, r) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"

I would like to convince you that the 3rd option is the most convenient, because it better exhibits the mental metaphor of monads.

Learn to procrastinate

In Monads for the Rest of Us I postulate that an intuitive interpretation of (some) monads is that they encapsulate the act of postponing an execution of some (side) effects. This viewpoint stands also in this case.
Focus on the 3rd option signature and on its leaf branch implementation:

// Tree a -> (Int -> Tree (a, Int))
let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> Leaf (v, count)

I like to interpret it as it’s telling me:

Give me a Tree and I promise I will index it. I cannot index it just yet, because I have no idea which value count has. So, I give you back a function for you to feed with that value. As soon as you do that, I will complete my indexing task.

It’s really like this: index is not returning an indexed leaf but a function that eventually will create it. index is blatantly tricking you, procrastinating its duties. This is often the case with monads.

Of course, now you cannot invoke index anymore with:

let ``indexes a tree`` () =
    let tree = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))
    let indexed = index tree

    test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf ("one", 1), Node(Leaf ("two", 2), Leaf ("three", 3))) @>

You need to pass it the first count value:

let indexed = index tree 1
("three", 3))) @>

So far so good. Let’s see how to complete the node branch.

Node Branch

The node branch is in the same dilemma. It wants to complete its task but it does not know the value of count. So, it uses the same trick: it returns a function that eventually will perform the indexing:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> Leaf (v, count)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->

This is a very common trick in Functional Programming: if you need a value and it’s not there, you just create it from thin air, returning a function that requires it. It will be your caller’s duty to provide it. Doing so, you are propagating up to the call site, and through the Type Sytem, your need. The Type Sytem will make sure that this need is not ignored.

Cool. You have count out of thin air. You can index the left branch, then the right one. Then you can build a Node with the resuls:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> Leaf (v, count)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li = index l count
            let ri = index r count
            Node (li, ri)

li and ri stand for left, indexed and right, indexed.

Wait a sec. There something not quite correct. The code compiles, but the test is red. For the first time, “if it compiles, it works” failed us.

Can you spot the problem? We are never incrementing the count. This is an issue at value level, not at type level, and the poor type system cannot infer anything but at type level. (I argue: this is the sign we should have improved the design using more fine tuned types, such as Dependent Types. But this is a very advanced topic deserving its own series).

Maybe we can increment count right after having indexed the left branch:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> Leaf (v, count)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li = index l count
            let ri = index r (count + 1)
			Node (li, ri)

But this is wrong. This assumes that the left branch only had 1 leaf. We should increment count with the exact number of leaves in the left branch:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> Leaf (v, count)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li = index l count
            let ri = index r (count + numberOfLeavesInLeftBranch)
			Node (li, ri)

Shall we write a function to calculate it? Shall we add another recursive call?

There is a way simpler solution. In the mutable implementation we wrote before:

let mutable count = 1

let rec imperativeIndex =
    | Leaf v ->
        let indexedLeaf = Leaf (v, count)
        count <- count + 1
    | Node(l, r) -> Node(imperativeIndex l, imperativeIndex r)

we rightly incremented count in the leaf node. Let’s try to follow the same path.

The question is: how to increment count in the immutable version? After all, it must be immutable…

Inherit from the past, pass it on to the future

Another useful perspective on returning a fun count -> is to view it as a communication channel. it’s a way for the code to send information back to its caller, back to the past. It says:

I don’t know who used to run before me, but it had to pass me the correct value of count

You can use the same trick to send information forward to the future code. You can send it the updated value of count. Since you have to return both the indexed tree and the updated value of count, a tuple comes to mind:

// Tree a -> (Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int))
let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li = index l count
            let ri = index r count
            Node (li, ri)

Notice how the leaf branch is returning 2 information:

Indexed tree Future value for count
Leaf (v, count) count +1

Also notice that, again, the whole signature of index, so its type!, changed. And this immediately sets off alarms bells for the type system. That, ideed, signals that the node branch fails to compile. Of course!

// li :: Tree (a, Int), Int
let li = index l count

li now is not an indexed tree anymore. It’s an indexed tree plus the updated value for count, calculated by traversing the left branch. Useful. Let’s decompose it:

// Tree a -> (Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int))
let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li, lc = index l count
            let ri, rc = index r count
            Node (li, ri)

lc stands for left count; rc for right count.
Still not compiling. Good! There are 2 problems:

  1. Why are we indexing the right branch starting from the value count?
  2. The return value is wrong.
// Tree a -> (Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int))
let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li, lc = index l count
            let ri, rc = index r lc
            Node (li, ri)

As for 1, this is very simple. After indexing the left branch, do we have the updated value of count? Yes we have, it’s lc, the left count:

As for 2, the Type Sytem complains that we should return a tuple, not an indexed tree only. Sure, let’s return the count too. Which is the most updated value? rc, of course, the value the indexing of the right branch conveniently sent to its future clients:

// Tree a -> (Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int))
let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li, lc = index l count
            let ri, rc = index r lc
            Node (li, ri), rc

There is still a last compilation error (thank you, Type System, for being so vigilant and meticulous):

let ``indexes a tree`` () =
    let tree = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))

    let indexed = index tree 1

    test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf ("one", 1), Node(Leaf ("two", 2), Leaf ("three", 3))) @>

Yes! index tree 1 returns the indexed tree and a new counter, which we can safely ignore:

let ``indexes a tree`` () =
    let tree = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))

    let indexed, _ = index tree 1

    test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf ("one", 1), Node(Leaf ("two", 2), Leaf ("three", 3))) @>

It compiles. It’s green. We did it! Look how beautiful: you did a stateful algorithm without any single variable.


And it’s inherently threadsafe. It was guided by the type system.

And best of all, it’s so readable!

Arialdo, go home, you are drunk

You are right: the result is horrible. It’s a contrived, convoluted gimmick.

Let me enumerate its ugliest parts:

  1. Pass it to your fellow Java colleague. I bet it will take at least 10 minutes for them to grok it. It’s not readable: it’s abominable.
  2. Its complexity is doomed to increase. Any real-world application has tens, hundreds of states to handle. Handling a single state made our simple algorithm convoluted and it is likely that with 10 additional states the complexity would increase more than linearly. This approach just does not scale.
  3. The signature too is complex and does not convey a clear intent.

Is there a way out?

Yes, there is! And it can be found as soon as you identify the root cause:

  • The domain logic and the logic for handling the state are interleaved.

Sometimes coding is so predictable, isn’t it? It’s always the same old problems. With approving smiles and nods, the Venerable Sages observe us contentedly, implying: “it’s all about the Single Responsibility, the Open Closed, the Dependency Inversion Principles. It’s always a matter of Low Coupling and High Cohesion”.

So, you know how to get out of this mess: you have to separate the domain logic from the state-handling logic.
Once you separate them, what you will end up with is:

  • An imperative-like, uncluttered and readable domain code.
  • A magic State Monad, handling the statefulness nature of the problem behind the scenes.

Here’s a spoiler alert:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v ->
        withCount {
            let! count = getCount
            do! setCount (count + 1)
            return Leaf(v, count)
    | Node(l, r) ->
        withCount {
            let! li = index l
            let! ri = index r
            return Node(li, ri)

  • Focus on the code enclosed by { }: besides some weird ! here and there, this is the old imperative code that you find easy to write.
  • Notice the withCount expression: treat is as a new F# keyword that tells the compiler to treat the enclosed code as stateful.

That withCount is the State Monad (hidden behind a Computation Expression).
Notice that, although the code seems imperative, it is purely functional. Even if:

let! li = index l
let! ri = index r

seem 2 sequential statements, they are in fact 2 functions bound together with the bind operator. Puzzling, isn’t it? I’m sure you understand that, to fully get there, we still have to walk a bit. I promise that it will be an interesting journey!

You need a bit of energy. So stretch your fingers, take a little rest, have a sorbet and then we will get going!

See you in Chapter 7.



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