State Monad For The Rest Of Us - Part 10

Arialdo Martini — 1/07/2024 — F# Functional Programming

Source code:

In chapter 7, when we wanted to introduce a new type for the result value of index:

// Tree a -> (Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int))
let rec index =
    | Leaf v -> fun count -> (Leaf (v, count), count + 1)
    | Node (l, r) ->
        fun count ->
            let li, lc = index l count
            let ri, rc = index r lc
            Node (li, ri), rc

I mentioned that there was a second perspective, leading to the same signature of WithCount:

  • Manipulate the signature, separating the count-handling and domain logic on the type level.

Let us do this, because it will lead to some interesting refinements

Working on the signature

Observing again the original signature:

Tree a -> (Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int))

it’s not hard to see what happened. Ideally, you wanted a simple function:

Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)

taking a tree of whatever content and returning an indexed version of it. This is the original domain logic, which you can easily make more generic with:

a -> (a, Int)

Then, you wanted to have a Functor to take care of the logic for traversing a tree. But then you found out that Functors are not powerful enough to apply an indexing function with map.

Instead of that, you ended up with:

Pure logic What you got
Tree a -> Tree (a, Int) Tree a -> (Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int))

or, generalizing:

Pure logic What you got
a -> b a -> (Int -> (b, Int))

Squint the eyes. This expression contains the domain logic and the count-handling logic mixed together. Let me move the count-handling logic to a separate line:

Tree a ->           Tree (a, Int)
          (Int -> (               , Int))

or if you want to make to use the more generic version:

a ->            b
     (Int -> (    , Int))


Int -> (b, Int)

captures exactly what you did in chapter 6:

What you did    
You return a function getting the previous count value Int  
You return the domain logic result plus the next count value   -> (b, Int)

If you want to give this idea a name and to capture it with a type, it makes sense to define it with:

type WithCount<'b> = WithCount of (int -> 'b * int)

Of course, this could be more specific to trees:

type WithCount<'b> = WithCount of (int -> Tree<'b> * int)

or even more specif to our indexing use-case:

type WithCount = WithCount of (int -> Tree<string, int> * int)

but why should it be? On the contrary, it could be generic also on the type of the counter:

type WithCount<'b, 'c> = WithCount of ('c -> 'b * 'c)

where 'c is the type of the state being chained, and 'b is the original domain logic result type.
c is not a count anymore, it’s a generic state. Let’s call it s. And WithCount is a misleading name. We can easily call it State:

type State<'b, 's> = State of ('s -> ('b * 's))

This generalized version of WithCount is, ladies and gentlemen, the signature of the State Monad.
It’s definitely the time to implement it. Ready! Steady! Go with Chapter 11!



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