State Monad For The Rest Of Us - Part 11

Arialdo Martini — 1/07/2024 — F# Functional Programming

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Two chapters ago, you wrote the applicative version of index using <*> and <*. If you remember, in chapter 8 we said that there are 2 different series of moves:

  • One leading to Applicative Functors.
  • One leading to Monads.

You performed the former, which were:

  1. Make the fact that each branch is invoking a function explicit.
  2. Start by moving that function inside a WithCount.

Now we try another approach:

  1. As before, make the fact each branch is invoking a function explicit.
  2. Start by letting that function return a WithCount value.

Let’s follow this path.

Make Monads, not War

This is the starting point:

let rec index =
    | Leaf v ->
        WithCount(fun count ->
            (buildLeaf v count, count + 1))
    | Node(l, r) ->
        WithCount(fun count ->
            let li, lc = run (index l) count
            let ri, rc = run (index r) lc
            (buildNode li ri), rc)

Focusing on the Node branch, the function we want to modify is buildNode. So far, it returns a Node: let it return a WithCount instead:

let rec index =
    | Node(l, r) ->
	    // Tree a -> Tree a -> WithCount (Tree a)
        let buildNode' l r = pure' (buildNode l r)

The problem now is how to feed it with WithCount values. In fact, once recursing on index on l and r you get:

    | Node(l, r) ->
        // WithCount (Tree a)
        let li = index l

        // WithCount (Tree a)
        let ri = index r
        // Tree a -> Tree a -> WithCount (Tree a)
        let buildNode' l r = pure' (buildNode l r)

You cannot just pass li and ri to buildNode':

        // Tree a -> Tree a -> WithCount (Tree a)
        let buildNode' l r = pure' (buildNode l r)

        buildNode' li ri

the compiler would complain because buildNode' expects naked Tree values, and you are providing promises of them. F#’s built-in function application is not smart enough to handle WithCount instances. But you can easily teach it.
Just like you did before with the Applicative Functor, it’s a matter of implementing another on-steroids function application, one which is able to provide WithCount arguments to functions expecting naked values.


Here’s the general challenge:

  • You have a value a :: Tree a.
  • And a function f :: Tree a -> WithCount (Tree b).
  • You cannot invoke f a.
  • You need a f ??? a able to do that.

Yes, in the Node branch you have a 2-parameter function, but as usual you will find that solving the problem for 1-parameter functions scales to any n-parameter ones. The power of currying…

Implementing this on-steroids function application, that we will call =<< (pronunced “reversed bind”) is actually simple. It is similar to what you have alread done in Chapter 3 to implement map, using the box metaphor. Be guided by types: they will lead you to the correct implementation

// (a -> WithCount b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
let (=<<) f a =

If only a was a naked instance of a, you could feed it directly to f. But it is not: it is a (WithCount wrapped) function, waiting for a count to return a naked a instance. You could pass it a count instance. Sure: but where to find it? Can you produce it one out of thin air?
Actually you can. Remember my trick: when you don’t have a value, defer the problem and return a function asking for it.
Another way to see this is: consider that you will finally have to return another WithCount value. So it makes sense to start building one:

// (a -> WithCount b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
let (=<<) f a =
    WithCount ???

And you know that a WithCount contains a function from count:

// (a -> WithCount b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
let (=<<) f a =
    WithCount (fun count -> ???)

Here’s the count value you needed. With it, you can ask a to generate a naked value. How? But with run, the function you have already created to run a WithCount:

// WithCount v -> Int -> v
let run (WithCount f) (count: int) = f count

// (a -> WithCount b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
let (=<<) f a =
    WithCount (fun count ->
	    // (a, Int)
        let va, ca = run v count

va is the naked a value; ca is the count. Perfect: you can finally feed f:

// (a -> WithCount b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
let (=<<) f a =
    WithCount(fun count ->
        let va, ca = run a count
        let result = f vv

Which type is result? It matches the return value of the f signature, so it is a WithCount b. Your code already lives inside a WithCount, you don’t need to nest another one. You know that in order to extract a naked value from a WithCount, you can run it providing it a value of count. In this case, you have a freshly calculated, unused ca:

// (a -> WithCount b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
let (=<<) f a =
    WithCount(fun count ->
        let va, ca = run a count
        let result = f vv
		run result ca)

Since the name of =<< is “reversed bind”, you might have guessed that a forward-version also exist. In fact, as you will soon find out, is convenient to flip the arguments. Let’s define a specular >>= operator, called “bind”. Just flip the parameters, re-using the very same implementation:

// WithCount a -> (a -> WithCount b) -> WithCount b
let (>>=) a f =
    WithCount(fun count ->
        let va, ca = run a count
        let result = f va
        run result ca)

Of course, since you abhor copy-pasting, you can re-define =<< in terms of >>= just flippling the parameters:

// (a -> WithCount b) -> WithCount a -> WithCount b
let (=<<) a b = b (>>=) a

Let’s put this bind operator at work!

Node branch with >>=

You have all the ingredients: li, the indexed left branch, which is a WithCount Tree a value, and buildNode', which expects a naked Tree a value. Feed it with >>=:

let rec index =
    | Node(l, r) ->
        // WithCount (Tree a)
        let li = index l

        // WithCount (Tree a)
        let ri = index r
        // Tree a -> Tree a -> WithCount (Tree a)
        let buildNode' l r = pure' (buildNode l r)

        li >>= ???

Read the >>= signature again:

// WithCount a -> (a -> WithCount b) -> WithCount b
let (>>=) a f = ...

On the right, >>= takes a function from Tree a.

let rec index =
    | Node(l, r) ->
        // WithCount (Tree a)
        let li = index l

        li >>= (fun ll -> ???)

ll is the naked value of the indexed left branch.

Here’s the trick to master >>=. Focus on the types:

    //  WithCount Tree a           Tree a  -> ...
        li                >>= (fun ll      -> ???)

Interpret it as follows:

  • You start from a WithCount value.
  • After fun you continue writing your code as WithCount didn’t exist. Your lambda operates on a naked value.

This makes sense: >>= is the on-steroids function application that lets you think in terms of simple values, taking care of performing all the logic related to the count-handling. Since the count-handling logic is modeled with a WithCount, it makes sense that >>= lets you ignore it.

In other words, >>= unwraps any WithCount value. Let me rephrase the trick:

  • Every time you have a WithCount a value, feed it to >>=.
  • Then keep coding a lambda operating on a only.

Given this rule of thumb, implementing the Node branch should be trivial. You just have to continue unwrapping ri = index r too:

let rec index =
    | Node(l, r) ->
        let li = index l
        let ri = index r
        let buildNode' l r = pure' (buildNode l r)

        li >>= (fun ll -> ri >>= (fun rr -> ???))

Cool. You have ll and rr to feed buildNode' with:

let rec index =
    | Node(l, r) ->
        let li = index l
        let ri = index r
        let buildNode' l r = pure' (buildNode l r)

        li >>= (fun ll -> ri >>= (fun rr -> buildNode' ll rr))

Believe it or not, you are done.

Leaf branch

For the Leaf branch, you need to perform 3 actions:

  • Read the current value of count using getCount.
  • Return a Leaf v, count.
  • Update count with an incremented value, using putCount.

Both getCount and putCount operate in a WithCount context:

// WithCount (Int, Int)
let getCount = WithCount(fun c -> (c, c))

// Int -> WithCount ((), Int)
let putCount c = WithCount(fun _ -> ((), c))

That should not be a problem by now: you know the trick now, pass WithCount values to >>= and you get the naked value.

So, let’s start from retrieving count:

let rec index =
    | Leaf (v: string) ->
        >>= (fun count -> ...

You have both v and count. You can already build the return value:

let rec index =
    | Leaf(v: string) ->
        >>= (fun count ->
            let leaf = Leaf(v, count)

Don’t return it just yet. You have to increment count.

let rec index =
    | Leaf(v: string) ->
        >>= (fun count ->
            let leaf = Leaf(v, count)
            let newCount = count + 1
            putCount newCount

Now, putCount returns a WithCount (). Again, continue with >>= and a lambda, and finally return the indexed leaf, inside a WithCount:

let rec index =
    | Leaf(v: string) ->
        >>= (fun count ->
            let leaf = Leaf(v, count)
            let newCount = count + 1
            putCount newCount
            >>= (fun unit -> pure' leaf))

Notice that as expected the unit returned by putCount is never used. You can safely ignore replacing it with _. Let’s put all together:

let rec index =
    | Leaf(v: string) ->
        >>= (fun count ->
            let leaf = Leaf(v, count)
            putCount (count + 1)
            >>= (fun _ -> pure' leaf))
    | Node(l, r) ->
        index l >>= (fun ll ->
            index r
             >>= (fun rr ->
                 pure' (buildNode ll rr)))

Run the test and see it pass.

The type WithCount, together with >>= and pure' is what we call a State Monad. In this implementation, it only accounts for an integer count, but nothing prevents you from making it more generic.

Do you like it?

I know you are not excited. How could you be? That series of >>= and fun s -> makes head spin, don’t they? Yes, it’s true: it’s stateful code with an imperative scent. See how:

putCount (count + 1)

seems to imperatively update a global variable. I’m sure you can follow the flow and understand it, and reading between the lines you can see how how it looks like imperative code. Yet, I bet you would call it all but fluent and readable.

If you are only partially satisfied with the result and you expected the State Monad to be more magic, you are not alone. The designers of Haskell also felt that expressions like the above could be improved with some little syntactic sugar.

So they invented the do notation. Which is what you are going to implement too in the next chapter, and which will make you see the true nature of LINQ.



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