State Monad For The Rest Of Us - Part 4

Arialdo Martini — 1/07/2024 — F# Functional Programming

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Finding the limits of Functors

In the previouls chapter you distilled map, a function exhibiting 3 powerful features:

  • It is able to transform the leaves content applying an arbitrary transformation function.
  • It does that without mutating the original tree, generating instead a brand new tree.
  • And, finally, it strictly preserves the shape of the original tree.

It sounds like a mighty function and in fact it is.
One may mistake, though, the possibility to pass an arbitrary transformation function with the ability to perform any arbitrary transformation. The two are not the same and, unfortunately, Functors have limits to the trasformations they can produce.

Let’s put this statement to the test.

Indexing trees

During its execution, map traverses the tree. Very well: we want it to keep a track of the order with which it visits the leaves. That is, if it visits:

  1. first Leaf "one"
  2. then Leaf "two"
  3. and finally Leaf "three"

it should transform the tree:

          /    \
  Leaf "one"   Node
              /   \
     Leaf "two"   Leaf "three"


               /    \
   Leaf ("one", 1)   Node
                    /    \
      Leaf ("two", 2)    Leaf ("three", 3)

Let’s call this operation indexing a tree.
Here is the requirement:

let ``indexes a tree`` () =
    let tree = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))

    let indexed = map index tree

    test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf ("one", 1), Node(Leaf ("two", 2), Leaf ("three", 3))) @>

Easy peasy, if you are impure!

If you come from an imperative language, you don’t have to think twice to find the solution:

let counter = 1
let index v =
    let indexedLeaf = (v, counter)
    counter = counter + 1

Now, F# is a grumpy functional zealot and will refuse to compile:

counter = counter + 1

“Variables must be immutable”, it will bemoan.
Not only does it demand you to explicitly declare counter as mutable:

let mutable counter = 1

but it also insists that you use a special syntax for mutating the value:

counter <- counter + 1

To add insult to injury, Rider will underline all the 4 occurrences of counter to warn you with alarming voice “Mayday, mayday! A mutable variable!”. They really go to great lenghts to make it hard to deviate from purity, don’t they?
Anyway, once bow to F#’s will and run the test, you can finally confirm that your impure index function does work:

let mutable counter = 1
let impureIndex v =
    let indexedLeaf = (v, counter)
    counter <- counter + 1

let ``indexes a tree`` () =
    let tree = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))

    let indexed = map impureIndex tree

    test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf ("one", 1), Node(Leaf ("two", 2), Leaf ("three", 3))) @>

Just impossible if you are not

Now, give yourself 15 mins for a coding challenge. Try to get to the same green test, this time adding only one single extra constraint:

  • Be pure.

This means:

  • You don’t mutate any variable.
  • You write index so that it is referential transparent.

About the last comment, here’s a trick you can use: whatever function you write, if it is pure, given the same argument it must always return the same value. So, it must be always safe to invoke it twice.
So, write your test as follows:

let ``indexes a tree`` () =
    let tree = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))

    map index tree |> ignore  // intentionally invoked twice
    let indexed = map index tree

    test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf ("one", 1), Node(Leaf ("two", 2), Leaf ("three", 3))) @>

Another option is to define this function:

let invokedTwice f =
    fun v ->
        f v |> ignore
        f v

and then, instead of:

let indexed = map index tree

to use:

let indexed = map (index |> invokedTwice) tree

It will not take much to convince yourself that indexing a tree using a pure Functor is just not possible.

The problem is that, while traversing the tree, your algorithm must retain some form of memory, some kind of state.

So, you can draw an important conclusion:

Implementing stateful algorithms with pure functions is not possible.

Nothing further from the truth.

You will prove that statement wrong in the very next chapter. Then you will build on top of that demonstration discovering Applicative Functors first, and finally the mighty State Monad.

Treat yourself with an icecream, and when you feel ready, jump to the chapter 5.


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