Seeking Genericity Brings Specificity

Arialdo Martini — 11/03/2024 — Type Theory Functional Programming Haskell C#

There is an interesting tension between the desires we harbor as programmers and the techniques we adopt to fullfill them. On the one hand, we wish that our programs run in any possible circumstance, so we try to be as permissive as possible; on the other hand, on the quest to ensure the correctness of our code, we apply a series of techniques whose ultimate goal is the opposite contrary: we use type checks — which have the effect that large classes of expressions legal in the untyped world become illegal, we kill without mercy implementations if a unit test says so, we value rigor and strictness over laxity and indulgence.

We seek both genericity and specificity at the same time.

Is this contrast a contraddition? (A clue: no) This post aims to motivate investment in direction of type-level development by providing some arguments to embrace the type system and to adopt a more generic programming style, for the benefit of correctness.

I will use a bunch of Haskell examples, but I am addressing C#/Java/OOP readers.

The more generic you are, the more specific you end up being

The tension I mentioned is intrinsic in many costructs we use while building software. I’ve always found very captivating the counter intuitive fact that the more generic a function is — that is, the larger the set of values it accepts — the less the function can do with the received argument. The canonical example is the identity function:

id :: forall a. a -> a

Identity lives a dilemma: despite being so permissive accepting any value of any type, it actually has no possibility at all to operate on them. It just cannot infer which operations can be applied with those values. So, it cannot do anything.
As surprising as it may seem, it’s not hard to convince yourself that the only 3 possible implementations a (pure) function with such signature can have are:

  • returning the value, unmodified: id x = x
  • crashing the whole universe: id _ = undefined
  • refusing to even return, entering a never ending loop: id x = id x

On the other side of the spectrum, when we operate on numbers, often we impulsively and instinctively use the Int type. I dare you to answer: how many times you use Int while in reality you would admit “Well, I just needed positive ints…”
We generally tend to be permissive because we want our program to be generic.

But this is an illusion.


Think of a function for calculating the successor of a number:

succ :: Int -> Int
succ x = x + 1

Haskell’s type inference leans toward genericity, so if you omit the signature and you just write:

succ x = x + 1

and you ask the compiler to fill the gap re-inserting the omitted signature, it will diligently infer:

succ :: Num a => a -> a

That’s interesting! It made the signature generic, adding a type parameter a. According to the type system, your implementation also works with Float, Double, Complex and Rational and with all the future types implementing Num. That’s genericity for free!

This is good, of course! What you might have overlooked, because is less obvious, is that doing so the type system also narrowed down the possible implementations function can have.
While the (wrong) implementation:

succ :: Int -> Int
succ x = x `div` 2

was happily accepted before, trying to use it with the new signature miserably fails:

succ :: Num a => a -> a
succ x = x `div` 2

    * Could not deduce (Integral a) arising from a use of `div'
      from the context: Num a
        bound by the type signature for:
                   succ :: forall a. Num a => a -> a
        at <interactive>:18:1-24
      Possible fix:
        add (Integral a) to the context of
          the type signature for:
            succ :: forall a. Num a => a -> a
    * In the expression: x `div` 2
      In an equation for `succ': succ x = x `div` 2

And this is even more interesting! The more generic signature forced the function implementation to be more specific. In a sense, genericity helped the succ function being its true self, removing (some of) the possible wrong implementations from the game.

Streching a bit its original meaning, this somehow embodies the Postel’s Law, also known as Robustness Principle:

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others

If you pursue the correctness of your code, aim to be as much generic as you can.

Type-Level Development extends this idea taking it to the limit. As Sandy Maguire observes in Thinking With Types:

Type-level programming is an uncommon calling. While most programmers are concerned with getting more of their code to compile, we type-level programmers are trying our best to prevent code from compiling

To put the principle into practice

Is there anything simple one can do, without applying fancy type-level techniques?
Yes. The trick is: even before writing the implementation of a function, stop and ask yourself what you are trying to get, not how to implement it. Then design your function signature around the types allowing that what. Stay generic, capture the general intent rather than the specific case.

You surely noticed this is exactly the same mental approach applied in TDD: even before writing the code implementation, you first put down into code a test — the what part of the requirement; only then you express the same requirement in terms of the how, with the actual implementation.
I like to see TDD as is an extension of static typing: it amplifies the compilation phase filtering out some of the wrong implementation that would be otherwise accepted by the compiler, just like your type system does.

The term Generic Programming was coined by Musser and Stepanov. In their paper Generic Programming they introduce the idea that algorithms can be defined by capturing their fundamental requirements, their essence, and by abstracting away from concrete examples.

[..] one must create the appropriate abstract concepts in terms of which one can effectively express and reason about the behavior of an algorithm.

I find this illuminating, because it is exactly the same idea of Property-Based Testing: capturing the essence of requirements and expressing them without relying on specific examples. You can read more about this approach in Property Testing For The Rest of Us.

Generic Programming is all about designing the proper types and interfaces. Let’s see how.

It’s all about using (small, smaller) interfaces

The OOP literature offers very compelling reasons to program to interfaces, not implementations: low coupling / high cohesion, testability, Inversion of Control, the Law of Demeter, and many other old friends.

I claim that using interfaces is about the very same topic of this post: seeking genericity to obtain specificity. In fact, interfaces are contracts that don’t know anything about the implementation. As a consequnce, they restrict the possible operations their clients can invoke.

Here’s a trivial C# case. You have a concrete class with many methods and also implementing an interface:

interface ISpecificUse
    string OnlyThis(int i);

sealed class CanDoALot : ISpecificUse
    ISpecificUse.OnlyThis(int i) => ...
	void AnotherOperation() => ...
	void AndAnother() => ...
	void YetAnother() => ...

A client receiving the concrete class is very specific in what it gets, and very relaxed in what it can do:

class PermissiveClient(CanDoALot service)
    void Run()
        // can do a lot with this.service

Is this a contraddition?

I tell you a secret. As per the Betteridge’s law of headlines “any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no”. And this question is no exception.

You may think that by providing a specific concrete type you are being more specific, and that instead providing an interface you are more generic. But it’s absolutely the opposite.

I can think of 2 ways to demostrate this: pragmatically and through the Set Theory.

Pragmatically, by finding a counter example. Let me show that trying to be limitlessly loose would not bring us limitless genericity. Here’s the most loose implementation you can have in C#:

class WayTooPermissiveClient(object service)
    void Run()
        // you can do very little with this.service

Do you see the problem? Receiving an object, all you can do is to invoke Equals, GetType, ToString and GetHashCode. Depressing, and far from being limitessly generic.

Through Set Theory. A type is a set, a collection of elements. When we say that the constructor of our client receives a CanDoALot instance, we actually mean “our client can legitimately use any inhabitant of the set CanDoALot, provided with all the methods and functions the type system allows for it”.

If instead of an instance of the specific CanDoALot you pass an instance of a larger type, up the inheritance graph, the set of methods and functions the type system makes available is smaller, not larger. This sounds counter intuitive, at first, but it’s not hard to grasp.
A good explanation is provided by Gabriel Vergnaud in [-Level Typescript][type-level-ts]. Consider the following TypeScript example:

type A = { a: string; c: boolean };
type KeyOfA = keyof A; // => 'a' | 'c'

type B = { b: number; c: boolean };
type KeyOfB = keyof B; // => 'b' | 'c'

type C = A | B;
type KeyOfC = keyof C; // => ('a' | 'c') & ('b' | 'c') <=> 'c'

Elements of set A have fields a and c.
Elements of set B have fields b and c.
C is both A and B, just like a common parent of A and B, up the hierarchy graph. C, the union of A and B, it is the set containing all the elements of A and all the elements of B.
Intuitively: if you pick a random element from this union set, you might get either an A or a B. If you expected to find a field a, there is no certainty the element at hand is instead a B. The type systems knows this, and would break the compilation if you try to access a. So, although C contains elements of A, they have lost their field a. The very same happens for B elements and their field b.
All you can say is that, whatever the element you pick from A union B, it surely contain the common field c.

The general rule is:

the union of two [types] contains the intersection of their keys.

Once again: the more general the type you choose, the more specific the usage must be.

Be specific by using interfaces

Let’s get back to our C# example. Let’s pass CanDoALot in terms of its interface:

interface ISpecificUse
    string OnlyThis(int i);

sealed class CanDoALot : ISpecificUse
    ISpecificUse.OnlyThis(int i) => ...
	void AnotherOperation() => ...
	void AndAnother() => ...
	void YetAnother() => ...

class MoreGenericClient(ISpecificUse service)
    void Run()
        var s = this.service.OnlyThis(42);

By programming against an interface we increased the number of instances the client can work with. In the meanwhile, we dramatically restricted what the client can do to the few operations defined in the ISpecificUse contract.

This is such A Good Thing™ that a functional programmer would probably go even beyond, being more generic just injecting the single operation instead of the whole istance:

class MoreGenericClient
    void Run(Func<int, string> operation)
        var s = operation(42);

(Most likely a functional programmer fond of strong typing would define a delegate to give that operation a name).

If this reminds you of the Interface Segregation Principle you stand correct: it turns out that all the good principles are tightly interconnected and one good principle tends to manifest when talking about another good one.

I’m already using interfaces. What can I do more?

Let’s take this idea to the limit, playing again with the successor function.

While designing the signature of succ one could endeavor to question whether succ should only work with numbers. Afterall, isn’t d the successor of e? Does not Tuesday come after Monday, and 14PM after 15PM? Why should we want to limit succ to numbers?

An attempt to be generic with C# could bring us to using IOrderedEnumerable<TElement>, which inherits from IEnumerable<TElement>:

T Succ<T>(IOrderedEnumerable<T> elements)
    var enumerator = elements.GetEnumerator();
    return enumerator.Current;

This is honestly a terrible implementation. Its ugliness is partly due to the fact IEnumerator exposes MoveNext(), which returns bool instead of the next element.

Implementation aside, I just wanted an excuse to ask you: is it really necessary that a type can be ordered for it to have a successor? Can Succ have an even more generic signature — and therefore a possibly more correct implementation?

One can think that given a type that defines an order it is always possible to find the successor of an element (the smallest of the larger elements).
If this is the case, in C# the IComparable<T> interface would be enough.

But this is unfortunately wrong. The fact you can order things does not imply that given an element there is a successor.
Think to the set of cities ordered by their population, or a queue of tasks each having a priority. Both sets have possible duplicates.

More generally, if --> means *being smaller than`, an ordered set can be something like:

                    .-> el4
 el1 --> el2 -->el3 --> el5

What’s the successor of el3?

This is an example of what mathematicians call Strict Total Order: it does not ensure that an element has one and only one successor. A set guaranteeing this trait would be called Well-order.
It turns out that having a successor implies being ordered, while the opposite is not true. So, if C# designers really wanted to promote programming against interfaces not implementations, they could have offered us an interface for types that can be ordered, and a different interface — inheriting from the former — for types having a successor:

interface ISortable<in T>
    bool IsSmallerThan(T t);

interface IHasSuccessor<out T> : ISortable<T>
    T Successor { get; }

That would be very generic. And this is how I would suggest designing the code.
Not only would this guide a correct implementation. It would also promote code reuse, giving some very generic implementations the change to emerge.

The experience with Haskell reveals that this approach leads to breaking problems down into fundamental and profoundly meaningful components, many of which possess such universal applicability that they frequently mirror mathematical concepts, just like what happened with our Succ case.
No wonder that the most generic libraries provided by languages, such as LINQ, make us of interfaces and notions so bound to maths.

The surprising extremism of Haskell

Now you are surely wondering why I went off on tangents so much. It’s because I really wanted to show you how generic the signature of succ can be.

Surprisingly (or maybe not anymore, at this point), the signature of succ is Haskell has (almost) nothing to do with numbers:

succ :: Enum a => a -> a

Read it as: “if you want to get the successor of something, I don’t care what the concrete type is as long as there is a way to define a sequential order”.

Haskell is extreme this notion of genericity. See how it defines things that can be ordered — but not necessarily having a successor:

class Eq a => Ord a where

Notice the Eq. Read it as: “if you want to define how to order things, you surely need to figure out when two instance are are equal. Therefore, implement Eq”.

This is a completely different use of inheritance:

  • first, an attempt to distill the very basic building blocks of the what one wants to obtain from the code
  • then, a mechanism for composing the building blocks, to build more complex behaviors without loosing in generality.

This is a general approach, not specific to Haskell, and perfectly applicable to any modern language.

Haskell teaches us a lesson

There is an easy way to be inspired and to see how far we can go with this approach: write a function in the Haskell REPL, omitting the signature, then ask the type system which signature it inferred. I find it fascinating that often the result gives the impression that the compiler magically captured the intentions.
Here are a couple of examples.

Reviewing Pull Requests

Imagine a stupid function returning an error message if someones wants to review their own pull requests:

qualityGate reviewer committer = 
    if reviewer == committer 
    then "Hey! Ask someone else to review your code" 
    else "OK"

It’s hard to imagine how a compiler could infer what types that project uses for modelling committers and reviewers. But the real question is: does it need this information?
No, it does not. After all, all that this function needs to do with those parameters is to check if they are the same instance. The type system is smart enough to infer:

qualityGate :: Eq a => a -> a -> String

So, being equatable is enough. Makes sense.
Your language’s type inference might not be that smart. But you are. No reasons to be less generic than this.

Calculate the cart total

Here’s a function that, given a list of products and a getter for the product price, returns the grand total:

calculateTotal products getPrice = sum (fmap getPrice products)

If you ask Haskell what the signature is, you might be surprised how generic it is, not even mentioning lists:

calculateTotal :: (Foldable t, Num a1, Functor t) => t a2 -> (a2 -> a1) -> a1


The fact that there is a tight link between generic signatures and specific implementations implies that, in many cases, given a signature it is possible to infer the implementation, or to get close to it.
There is a renowned search engine, Hoogle, which can do this: provide it with a signature, even a generic one, and it will find the function implementing it.
Such a search engine exists because it covers a need: programming through generic interfaces makes code reuse way, way more intensive.


I like the point of view of Luca Cardelli and Peter Wegner in their seminal On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism]:

A type may be viewed as a set of clothes (or a suit of armor) that protects an underlying untyped representation from arbitrary or unintended use. It provides a protective covering that hides the underlying representation and constrains the way objects may interact with other objects. In an untyped system untyped objects are naked in that the underlying representation is exposed for all to see. Violating the type system involves removing the protective set of clothing and operating directly on the naked representati

My take on this is: the type system can be your best friend in your quest to correctness. A very convenient, cheap and safe first step is to start resisting from the temptation of relying on concrete types and using large interfaces.
Instead, if you want to be specific, generalize. If you believe in Interface Segregation, segregate more. Use more, not less, generic types and generic functions.

Have fun. Happy coding.



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