Type Cardinality

Arialdo Martini — 15/03/2024 — Type Theory Functional Programming Haskell C#

I refuse to see the tension between theory and practice.
I love the sentence:

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice there is.

It is very, very funny, I love to cite it when I can. But I cannot help but think it is false — I will write about this, some time.

Let’s talk about mathematical notions. I hear way too many times

Yes, hey are universal and profound. But practically useless.

I hate this.

With this post I challenge myself to debunk this notion. I chose a very abstract notion — the concept of cardinality of types — and challanged myself to find pragmatic uses of it in the everyday programmer’s life.

Can there be a more useless and theoretical notion that cardinality?

Types as Set

Types can be modelled as sets. This enables us to use to our advantage many of the results of Set Theory.

In Set Theory, sets are associated to a Cardinality, a measure of set’s size. While the cardinality of a finite set is just the number of its elements, it is also possible to extend this notion to infinite sets and types by relying on the notion of comparison of sets.

Equally, we can talk about types cardinality. Here are the simplest examples:

Empty types

Any type not defining a data constructor cannot be build, so it is inhabitated. Consequently, its cardinality is 0. The canonical example is:

data Void

It is not possible to build an instance of an empty set. Curiously, it is perfectly legit to define functions from Void, but it is not possible to invoke them.

data Void
f :: Void -> Int
f _ = 42

The only way to invoke f would be to provide it with an instance of Void: but there is no way to build it.
Being pedantic, one could observe that every type in Haskell contains a shared inhabitant, Bottom, which represents the non-terminating and the undefined values. Therefore, it is possible to invoke a Void -> a function, as demostrated below:

a = undefined -- an undefined value
f a
> 42

id x = id x -- a never ending function
f (id "Hey")
> 42

It is also possible to define function to Void, but evaluating them causes an error. So, strictly speaking, we should say that Void does not contain any value representing a terminating computation.

In C#

If you wonder how to define such a type in C#, and you follow the idea that it must be impossible to create an instance, it makes sense to use a record with a private constructor:

record Void
    private Void()

or an abstract record:

abstract record Void { }

C# does not define the bottom value, but it is still possible to use null as the ubiquitous value inhabitating most of the types:

void cannot_invoke()
    Func<Void, int> f = _ => 42;
    var result = f(null);
    Assert.Equal(42, result);

In order to remove null from the game, one could think to define Void using a record struct:

record struct Void
    private Void()

but this fails to compile: the compiler would complain that the constructor must be public (yes: internal would not be enough). We are no more lucky trying with an abstract struct:

abstract record struct Void { }

This won’t compile, because record structs cannot be abstract.

That said, you may wonder what an inhabitated type can be useful for. The fact that Void represents something that can never occur can be used as a type-safe way for exhaustively handling “can’t happen” cases. The Curry-Howard isomorphism gives us an interpretation of Void as the false proposition.

Void types can also be used as phantom types to implement some interesting type-level tricks — such as defining [Fixed-length vectors][fixed-length vectors], vectors whole length is encoded it their type, so that it is possible to define functions that can be applied only to non-empty vectors and whose correctness is defined at compile time.
Or for checking, at compile time, that pattern matching is exhaustive.


Types having 1 single inhabitant have cardinality 1. They can be built using a data constructor taking no parameters:

data Singleton = Singleton

The canonical example is Unit:

data () = ()

Types with a single inhabitant are referred to as Singleton, a word that differs significantly from its usage in Object-Oriented Programming’s Singleton Pattern.

In Category Theory singletons as the terminal objects: a terminal object is the object that every other object has a unique morphism to.

In C#

In C# a singleton type can be approximated with a fieldless record:

record struct Unit;

I wrote “approximated” because if you instance Unit multiple times, the values you will obtain are equal — so for all intent and purposes they can be consider the same value; yet, according to the reference equality, they are still different intances:

void not_a_real_singleton_type()
    var unit = new Unit();
    var notSameUnit = new Unit();
    Assert.Equal(unit, notSameUnit);
    Assert.NotSame(unit, notSameUnit);

Types with exactly n inhabitants

Types such as Bool have cardinality 2:

data Bool = True | False

Defining a type with cardinality n is a matter of providing exactly n data constructors. For example, for 4:

data CardinalPoint = North | East | South | East

In C#

C#’s bool also has cardinality 2. Playing dirty on could thing of using bool? to get cardinality 3. Is it possible to define types with cardinality n?
Besides few cases (like bool), in languages like C# we are used to types that have a very large amount of inhabitants (such as int) or even an infinite number (such as string). Haskell obtains the desired result through Discriminated Union Types. C# does not support them directly. But it is not hard to convince ourselves that inheritance is the key to implement them, although not as concisely as other languages like F# do:

record abstract CardinalPoint;

record North : CardinalPoint;
record East : CardinalPoint;
record South : CardinalPoint;
record West : CardinalPoint;


Here’s a very interesting fact: all types having the same cardinality are equivalent: it is perfectly safe to replace a type of a certain cardinality with an arbitrary other one, having the same cardinality, without any risk of loosing information.

Stricly speaking, they are isomorphic. This means that there exist pairs of functions mapping one to another and back, such that their composition is the identity function. In other words: it is always possible to move back and forth values from one type to the other without loosing information. For example given:

data Bool = True | False
data Actor = Laurel | Hardy

it is possible to define:

toBool :: Actor -> Bool
toBool True = Laurel
toBool False = Hardy

toActor :: Bool -> Actors
toActor Laurel = True
toActor Hardy = False

such that:

(toBool . toActor) :: Actor -> Actor
toBool . toActor = id

(toActor . toBool) :: Bool -> Bool
toActor . toBool = id

Notice that I mentioned pairs of functions. In fact, for types of cardinality n, there exist n! isomorphisms.

When this happens, we write:

\[Bool \cong Actor\]

How can this possibly be useful? Let me use a specific example, which gives me the chance to introduce an often negletted code smell and a resolution that goes in direction of type-modelling: Boolean Blindness.

(If you are even lightly curious to read the next post, I reached my goal: theory is a way to improve practice).
