When I'm done, I don't clean up

Arialdo Martini — 24/11/2022 — Testing TDD DB

Or: how I learnt to stop resetting the DB after each integration test.


  • Cleaning database tables after each integration test is not stictly needed
  • It’s often not even desirable
  • Tests can be easily made independent from the initial DB state and from each other
  • Just use unique identifiers and avoid absolute asserts

  • Tests designed like this can be run in parallel
  • They run faster
  • And they are more resilient and realistic

The clean-db-after-test dogma

Like many others, over the years I have spent a sheer amount of energy figuring out how to clean up the database after each integration test. I’ve used all the classical techniques:

  • leveraging DB transactions
  • using in-memory DBs
  • truncating the tables
    • (of course, in the right order, because of the foreign keys)
  • manually reverting each change
  • dropping and recreating the database
  • Oh, yes! Always avoiding running tests in parallel.

That was rarely easy: some DBs do not support nested transactions, some fail dropping because of locks. In general, it’s either a lot of infrastructure code, or relying on magic libraries.

In recent months, I started pondering on and experimenting a different perspective.
Which starts from a basic question.

Why do we need to reset the DB back to a clean state in the first place?

Well, do we?
The classical answers are:

  • because otherwise tests would start from an unknown, unpredictable state
  • because otherwise tests would depend on each other

Until recently, I never argued these assumptions, and I have always blindly observed the dogma. But I still have to find a very compelling justification.

The classical answers as a smell of a design issue

I propose a different point of view, based on 2 observations:

Starting from an unknown state is indeed a desirable trait: if tests only work against either an empty or an artfully preconfigured database, they are designed to operate in an ideal condition never met in reality. In production our code will face very different circumstances. And that’s a pity, since Integration Tests were supposed to “use the actual components that the app uses in production”.

If tests depend on each other, maybe that’s a design issue we should solve, not circumvent: after all, in the real world our production code *is* used concurrently. Having tests breaking when run in parallel is most likely a design flaw.
[CollectionDefinition(DisableParallelization = true)] is not a fix: it’s sweeping the dirt uder the carpet.

In other words:

  • The necessity of an empty DB is often an unrealistic assumption.
  • Fictional, overly-simplistic assumptions lead to covering fictional, overly-simplistic use cases.
  • The more production-like integration tests are, the better.

This bears the question: what if we design tests to run in parallel, independently from each other and from any arbitrary initial DB state?

The good news is: designing such tests is actually easier than one might think.

Diff, don’t drop

Basically, they just have:

  • to use random or unique identifiers
  • to assert in a way compatible with other concurrent tests

Show me the code

Before seing the benefits, here are a couple of examples. You can easily figure out other cases, and how to tackle them.


Say you have:

void saves_a_product()
    var product = new Product("Beer", 20);
    var products = _repository.GetProducts();
    Assert.Equal(1, products.Count());

The problem with this test is apparent: it assumes the DB starts empty, and that it contains 1 single product when it eventually ends. We can make it independent from the other tests actually using the newly created id:

void saves_a_product()
    var product = new Product("Beer", 20);

    var onDb = _repository.GetProduct(product.Id);

    Assert.Equal(20, onDb.Price);

Unique constraints

What if we cannot insert "Beer" twice, because there is a unique constraint? Instead of deleting the DB, we could make the test independent from the (arbitrary) initial state by generating random values:

string RandomString => Guid.New().ToString();

void saves_a_product()
    var name = RandomString;
    var product = new Product(name, 20);

    var onDb = _repository.GetProduct(product.Id);

    Assert.Equal(20, onDb.Price);

Libraries such as AutoFixture and Bogus may come in handy.

Those are trivial examples, but I hope you get the point.


Here’s an other example, this time from Microsoft Learn strong- Testing against your production database system.

public void AddBlog()
    using var context = Fixture.CreateContext();

    var controller = new BloggingController(context);
    controller.AddBlog("Blog3", "http://blog3.com");


    var blog = context.Blogs.Single(b => b.Name == "Blog3");
    Assert.Equal("http://blog3.com", blog.Url);

This test assumes the blog "blog3" does not exists when the test starts.
This is in itself interesting:

  • this overly-simplistic assumption does not help us discovering the use case of AddBlog failing because of a duplicated blog name
  • the code testing the domain logic is annoyingly interleaved with the code handling the transaction
  • the transaction itself only comes into play during testing; in production, it does not

We can improve on the design and designing the test to be more production-like, making it independent from initial state and from other tests simply playing with a random name:

string RandomString => Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string RandomUrl => $"http://{RandomString}.com");

public void AddBlog()
    var controller = new BloggingController(_context);
    var name = RandomString;
    var url = RandomUrl;
    controller.AddBlog(name, url);

    var blog = _context.Blogs.Single(b => b.Name == name);
    Assert.Equal(url, blog.Url);

Now, when the test ends, why should we feel compelled to delete the record? The real user would not. Nor the real testers during their manual exploratory testing activities.

On the contrary: in the wake of exercising the application like a real user would, we could get rid of the backdoor for querying the DB, and we could rather use the real API:

public void AddBlog()
    var name = RandomString;
    var url = RandomUrl;
    var response = _testClient.Post("/api/posts/", new {Name = name, Url = url});

    var blog = _testClient.Get<Blog>($"/api/posts/{name}");
    Assert.Equal(url, blog.Url);

The benefits?

You might like these tests for the good traits they exhibit:

  • They run faster, because they skip the DB cleanup/rebuild phase
  • They can run in parallel, just like an actual user would
    Testing concurrency is per se a desirable side effect. When tests run in parallel fail, I wish that is because they successfully identified a concurrency problem, not because they are designed to fail unless run in sequence.
  • They are inherently more realistic and solid, since they are closer to emulating what real users would do with an ever changing database content
  • The same tests can be used in production-like environments, as the basis for Load and Stress Testing

xUnit Test Patterns

The idea of skipping the teardown phase is mentioned in xUnit Test Patterns in Avoiding the need of Teardown in the paragraph Avoiding Fixture Collitions. Here is a summary excerpt:

We need to do fixture teardown for three reasons:

  1. The accumulation of leftover fixture objects can cause tests to run slowly
  2. The leftover fixture objects can cause the SUT to behave differently or our assertions to report incorrect results
  3. The leftover fixture objects can prevent us from creting the Fresh Fixture required by our tests


The second issue can be addressed by using Delta Assertions (page 485) rather than “absolute” assertions. The third issue can be addressed by ensuring that each test generates a different set of fixture objects each time it is run. Thus any object that the > test needs to reate must be given totally unique identifiers – that is, unique filenames, unique keys, and so on.

Delta Assertions

In turns, the idea of Delta Assertions is about “specifying assertions based on differences between the pre- and post-exercise state of the SUT

Before exercising the SUT, we take a snapshot of relevant parts of the Shared Fixture. After exercising the SUT, we specify our assertions relative to the saved snapshot. The Delta Assertions typically verify that the number of objects has changed by the right number and the contents of collections of objects have been augmented by the expected objects. [..] We can use a Delta Assertion whenever we don’t have full control over the test fixture and we want to avoid Interacting Tests (see Erratic Test). Using Delta Assertions will help us make our tests more resilient to changes in the fixture

Gerard Meszaros - xUnit Test Patterns

I don’t think Delta Assertions are the best fit for parallel tests, but they are worth mentioning.


Tests speak and send feedbacks which are often worth to be listened.
When testing is hard, it’s often a sign of either a design problem with the production code, or a wrong approach to testing.

So far, I find this approach a simplification, only providing benefits with neglibigle drawbacks. I’m looking forward to getting feedback from other fellow developers..



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