State Monad For The Rest Of Us - Part 2

Arialdo Martini — 1/07/2024 — F# Functional Programming

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Building same-shape trees

In the previouls chapter you managed to write an algorithm able to traverse an arbitrary binary tree and to count the number of its leaves.

Let’s do something at first glance way more challenging: while traversing the tree, the algorithm should generate a second tree with the same shape, but with different, transformed components.
For example, let’s say that instead of having empty Leaves, each Leaf holds a value of some type, such as a string:

          /    \
  Leaf "one"   Node
              /   \
     Leaf "two"   Leaf "three"

While traversing this tree, the algorithm should generate a similarly shaped tree, whose Leaves contain the string length:

          /    \
     Leaf 3    Node
              /   \
         Leaf 3    Leaf 5

Most likely, same pattern

You already know how to travese a tree. If you think how you counted the leaves, the code for traversing a tree and doing something else must have, more or less, the same structure. In pseudo-F#:

let rec traverseTree = 
    | Leaf       -> doSomething
    | Node(l, r) -> recurse on l; recurse on r; combine the results

With an imperative language, without the constraint of immutability, traversing a tree and changing the elements as they are visited is as easy as pie. It is likely that, if you are not familiar with Functional Programming, solving the same problem with the constraint of immutability sounds a uphill battle.
Let’s overcome these fears.

Test and type

First things first, we need a test:

let rec lengths = 
    | Leaf _ -> failwith "Not yet implemented"
    | Node(l, r) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"

let ``calculate the leaves' content length`` () =
    let treeOfWords = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))
    let treeOfNumbers = Node(Leaf 3, Node(Leaf 3, Leaf 5))

    let treeOfLengths = lengths treeOfWords

    test <@ treeOfLengths = treeOfNumbers @>

You need to extend the Tree data structure so that its leaves can hold either integers and string values. Generic Types come to mind:

type Tree<'a> =
    | Leaf of 'a
    | Node of Tree<'a> * Tree<'a>

In Java and C# both Types and Type Parameters are capitalized. Without context, in C# it is not clear if:


is a list generic on the type parameter T or a list of T, where T is a concrete type defined somewhere.
F# is kind enough to stick with a more explicit naming convention:

Element Syntax Example
Types Capitalized word Tree
Type parameters Lower letter, prefixed by ' 'a

Haskell does the same, without the prefix.
Good. Let’s make the test happy.

Leaf branch

Let’s start from the Leaf case.

let rec lengths = 
    | Leaf v -> ???

If lengths receives a Tree, and this tree is a Leaf containing a string, what should it return?
The rushed developer would imprudently answer: “the string length!”

let rec lengths = 
    | Leaf v -> String.length v

To understand why this is wrong, let us write the lengths’ signature. lengths takes a tree of strings and returns a tree of integers:

// Tree<string> -> Tree<int>
let rec lengths = 
    | Leaf v -> String.length v

(Yes, it’s horrible that primitive types such as string and int violate the naming convention and are not capitalized. So, from now on I’m using the Haskell’s more strict convention).

It is apparent that the Leaf case cannot return String.length v, because String.length v is an int, not a Tree<int>.

Look again the sample reference:

           Node                               Node
          /    \                             /    \
  Leaf "one"   Node            -->      Leaf 3    Node
              /   \                              /   \
     Leaf "two"   Leaf "three"             Leaf 3    Leaf 5

Leaf "one" needs to be transformed into Leaf 3, not into 3.
It is more reasonable to implement the Leaf branch as:

// Tree String -> Tree Int
let rec lengths = 
    | Leaf v -> Leaf (String.length v)

Notice that, just like for the leaves count problem, this is the base case of the recursion.

Node branch

What to do when lengths gets a Tree that is a Node of a left and a right branch? This is more puzzling.

If the Leaf branch was the base case, following the same pattern you can assume that in the Node branch there must be 2 recursive calls, plus a way to combine the results:

let rec lengths = function
    | Leaf v -> Leaf (String.length v)
    | Node(l, r) -> (lengths l) ??? (lengths r)

The problem is: how to combine the 2 values? What to replace ??? with?
It helps again to focus on the signature:

Tree String -> Tree Int

and on the reference sample:

           Node                               Node
          /    \                             /    \
  Leaf "one"   Node            -->      Leaf 3    Node
              /   \                              /   \
     Leaf "two"   Leaf "three"             Leaf 3    Leaf 5

You get a Node in, you return a Node out. The right implementation must be:

let rec lengths =
    | Leaf v -> Leaf(String.length v)
    | Node(l, r) -> Node(lengths l, lengths r)

Is the test green? Yes it is!

It’s really the same pattern!

If the result reminds you of the leaves count case, it’s because it is almost the same:

let rec numberOfLeaves = 
    | Leaf -> 1
    | Node(l, r) -> numberOfLeaves l + numberOfLeaves r

let rec lengths =
    | Leaf v -> Leaf(String.length v)
    | Node(l, r) -> Node(lengths l, lengths r)

You can stress on the similarity replacing the call to Node with an custom sum-like infix operator ^+:

let (^+) l r = Node (l, r)

With it, you can build a Node with the very same syntax you used to sum 2 integers:

    | Node(l, r) -> lengths l ^+ lengths r

You can also stress that the Leaf branches are the base cases of recursion. You just need 2 helper functions.

let baseCase _ = 1
let baseCase' v = Leaf(String.length v)

Putting all together, you get:

let baseCase _ = 1
let baseCase' v = Leaf(String.length v)
let (^+) l r = Node (l, r)

let rec numberOfLeaves =
    | Leaf v     -> baseCase v
    | Node(l, r) -> numberOfLeaves l + numberOfLeaves r

let rec lengths =
    | Leaf v     -> baseCase' v
    | Node(l, r) -> lengths l ^+ lengths r

Now the 2 algorithms are really similar:

  • Both pattern match on the received tree.
  • Both have the base case on the Leaf case.
  • Both perform a double recursion on the Node branch.
  • And both compose the result of the left and the right recursive calls using a combining function (+ and ^+).
  • Finally, in both the actual action (counting / calculating the length) is performed in the Leaf branch only.

The fact that the shape of the two algorithms is the very same shoud not surprise: after all, both functions have to traverse the tree and, apparently, this shape captures the idea of traversing a tree.

The implementations are almost a copy/paste. And copy/pasting is the root of all evil. It would be cool to isolate the tree-traversing code from the performed action.

This is what you are going to do in the next chapter.



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