Monads For The Rest Of Us - Part 3

Arialdo Martini — 30/10/2023 — C# Functional Programming

In which you reimplement — and finally understand! — C#’s function application

We learnt that Monads revolve around using the type system to separate out extra computations (effects) from pure computations, so that they do not interfere with each other.
We also found out that we need to apply and compose monadic functions, and that this is not directly supported by C#.

The goal of this 3rd installment is to manually re-implement the native C# function application and function composition, so that we learn how to extend them to work with monadic functions.

Function Application

Consider the method:

int MyLength(string s)
    return s.Length;

We can easily rewrite it as a function as:

Func<string, int> myLength = s => s.Length;

This makes it a bit clearer that its type signature is:

myLength :: string -> int

We want to apply myLength to a value of type string to get back an int.
In C# that’s a trivial exercise, as Function Application is natively supported by the language:

var length = myLength("foo");

Assert.Equal(3, length);

Manually re-implementing the native C# Function Application might sound as a silly exercise, but it will be useful to learn how we can possibly extend it. Indeed, our implementation will be the basis for the future Monadic Function Application, which is not natively supported by C#.
Let’s then write a High-Order Function (HOF) that taken a function f :: string -> int and a string value a applies f to a returning an int result:

Func<string, int> myLength = s => s.Length;
int Apply(Func<string, int> f, string a) => f(a);

var length = Apply(myLength, "foo");

Assert.Equal(3, length);

The syntax can be improved defining Apply as an extension method:

static class FunctionExtensions
    internal static int Apply(this Func<string, int> f, string s) => f(s);

Func<string, int> myLength = s => s.Length;

var length = myLength.Apply("foo");

Assert.Equal(3, length);

So, instead of:


we ended up with


Just slighly more verbose. By the way: C# implements this style of calling a function with the method Invoke:


We really didn’t invent anything new.
It’s easy to make Apply generic, so it works with any function f :: A -> B whatever the types:

// Apply :: (A -> B) -> A -> B
B Apply<A, B>(this Func<A, B> f, A a) => f(a);

Take a few seconds to meditate on what we just wrote. Not surprisingly, we have discovered that Function Application is implemented as f(a).
In Haskell, Apply is written as $ at its (slightly simplified) implementation is:

($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
($) f a =  f a

What we got

The implementation of Apply might seem of no use, but it’s not:

  • It can be extended, giving you the opportunity to do something else while applying a function to a value. For example, you can decorate the invocation surrounding it with some logging calls:
B Apply<A, B>(Func<A, B> f, A a)
    Log.Information("Got a value {A}", a);
    var b = f(a);
    Log.Information("Returning a value {B}", b);
    return b;

The something else we are interested to do might be related to the extra-computation characterizing monadic functions, and this could be interesting.

  • It gives you the possibility to extend the very meaning of Function Application. You will soon see that with monadic function you will need an Apply implementation able to work with type-incompatible functions.

Do you see where’s we are heading? Monads are all about separating some effects in a type, and then handling them during function application and function composition.
Keep going: we are almost there.

Function Application of multi-parameter functions

The version of Apply we got only works with 1-parameter functions. The following code does not even compile:

Func<string, string, int> f = (s, z) => s.Length + z.Length;

f.Apply("foo", "bar");

That’s sounds like a discouraging constraint.
It turns out, though, that it is always possible to reduce multi-parameter functions to single-parameter ones, with a technique called currying.
Basically, it’s a way to automatically convert the previous function to:

Func<string, Func<string, int>> f = s => z => s.Length + z.Length;


Don’t despair, we will see this later.

Function Composition

The second fundamental notion we are interested to re-implement is Function Composition.
Consider the following:

Func<string, int> length = s => s.Length;
Func<int, decimal> halfOf = n => (decimal)n / 2;

decimal halfTheLength = halfOf(length("foo"));
Assert.Equal(1.5M, halfTheLength);

With halfOf(length("foo")) we first apply length() to "foo", we get 3 as result and then we apply halfOf() to it.
This is equivalent to directly writing a custom halfOfLength() function that performs the same 2 computations combined in a single step:

Func<string, decimal> lengthThenHalfOf = s =>
    var l = s.Length;
    var halfOfIt = (decimal)l / 2;
    return halfOfIt;

var halfTheLength = lengthThenHalfOf("foo");

Assert.Equal(1.5M, halfTheLength);

Have a look to the signatures:

length           :: string -> int
halfOf           :: int    -> decimal
lengthThenHalfOf :: string -> decimal

Function Composition is about generating lengthThenHalfOf automatically, as a combination of length and halfOf, without writing its implementation by hand. Even better, it’s about generating a combination of any 2 functions, no matter their implementation and type signature, as long as the output of the one is type-compatible with the input of the other .
So, let’s write a function that, given any string -> int function such as length and a int -> decimal such as halfOf composes the two generating a string -> decimal function:

Func<string, int> length = s => s.Length;
Func<int, decimal> halfOf = n => (decimal)n / 2;

// (int -> decimal) -> (string -> int) -> (string -> decimal)
Func<string, decimal> Compose(Func<int, decimal> f, Func<string, int> g) => s => f(g(s));
Func<string, decimal> halfOfLength = Compose(halfOf, length);

Assert.Equal(1.5M, halfOfLength("foo"));

It’s easy to make this function generic on its types, so that given two functions f :: A -> B and g :: B -> C it composes them into gComposedWithf :: A -> C:

// Compose :: (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> (A -> C)
Func<A, C> Compose<A, B, C>(Func<B, C> f, Func<A, B> g) => a => f(g(a));

Again, using an extension method slightly improves the syntax:

static class FunctionExtensions
    internal static Func<A, C> ComposedWith<A, B, C>(this Func<B, C> f, Func<A, B> g) => a => g(f(a));

Func<string, decimal> halfOfLength = halfOf.ComposedWith(length);

Assert.Equal(1.5M, halfOfLength.Apply("foo"));

In Haskell, Compose is written as . at its implementation is:

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.) f g = \x -> f (g x)

It’s essentially the same that we found.

What we got

As for Apply, with the formula Compose(f, g) => a => f(g(a)) we have just reinvented the wheel.
And yet, our little Compose implementation is not for nothing:

  • It is slightly more more powerful than the native C# feature.
    C# does not exacly implement function composition. f(g(a)) composes 2 functions and then also applies the resulting function to a value. Our Compose function is more humble and interesting: it is a High-order Function that composes 2 generic, single-parameter functions, returning back a new function, without applying it.

  • As for Apply, the manually implemented Compose gives us the opportunity to do something else in addition to composing functions. And you know that the something else is what constitute the monadic part.

  • Finally, as for Apply, Compose gives us the chance to redefine the very meaning of Function Composition.
    For example, we could find a way to compose functions with not exactly compatible signatures.
    And this turns out to be exactly the key for implementing and undestanding Monads.

Apply as the main building block of function composition

Now an important gist. Don’t think to Apply merely as the way to pass an argument to a function. Go beyond that and consider how it is the fundamental way to link functions together: you use Apply to pass the result of the application of a previous function to the next one. Basically, it binds type-compatible functions in a chain. No surprises that, in the context of monadic functions, Apply is called bind.

Consider the following:

length :: string -> int
twice :: int -> double

You want to apply / bind twice to the result of length.
In C#:

Func<string, int> length = s => s.Length;
Func<int, double> twice = i => i * 2;

string a = "foo";

double twiceTheLength = twice.Apply(length.Apply("foo"));

Assert.Equal(6, twiceTheLength);

The Haskell notation here is much clearer:

twiceTheLength = twice $ length $ "foo"

which is pretty much the same of the native C# function application:

double twiceTheLength = twice(length("foo"));

The result we get is the same we could get from a a single function composing length and twice:

length :: string -> int
twice :: int -> double

chain :: string -> double

with :

chain = twice.ComposedWith(length)

This equivalence is not a coincidence. Apply is such a basic building block that Compose can be easily defined in terms of it:

Func<A, C> Compose<A, B, C>(Func<B, C> f, Func<A, B> g) => 
    a => 

The gist of this is:

  • if Apply binds type-compatible functions in a chain
  • but we extended the notion of pure-computations with functions returning extended types
  • so that the ordinary Apply does not work anymore,
  • the key to Monads must be about extending Apply to work with those type-incompatible functions.

Indeed, you can find several tutorials stating that monads are those classes that implement bind (as we know, a synomym of Apply). In fact, they also need

  • a method for lifting ordinary values to their monadic equivalent, a detail we will cover later.
  • to satisfy the so called Monadic Laws. We’ll be passing over this specific topic.

In conclusion: once you have Apply, you can easily get Compose too, and nothing can hold you back.
You are ready to come back to the IO monadic function and make it finally work.

Proceed to Chapter 4.



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