Mnemonics for Folds

Arialdo Martini — 17/06/2024 — functional programming haskell fsharp

I’ve always had trouble remembering the subtle differences between FoldLeft and FoldRight, and have constantly found myself consulting Hoogle over and over.
Overtime, I collected some mnemonics to help my gold fish memory.
I hope they can help you too.


Left argument

(acc -> b -> acc)
  -> acc
  -> t b
  -> acc

Right argument

(b -> acc -> acc)
-> acc   
-> t b   
-> acc   

Initial value evaluation

Applied first at the left-hand side of the unrolled expression

foldl ● initial [a, b, c]
(((initial ● a) ● b) ● c)

Applied last at the right-hand side of an unrolled expression.

foldr ● initial [a, b, c]
a ● (b ● (c ● initial))



(((initial ● a) ● b) ● c)


(a ● (b ● ( c ● initial)))

Function application
(partial, on a list)

foldl it the outer function.

foldl f acc (x:xs) =
    foldl f (f acc x) xs

f it the outer function.

foldr f acc (x:xs) =     
f x (foldr f acc xs)